Thursday, February 13, 2014

Yesterday's Entertaining Walk To Work

1. Boat window, Grand Union Canal

2. Colorful laundry day

3. The Love Boat

4. Small nervous dog, winterized

5. Optimistic lost baby toy

6. "Before I Die" interactive public art project, Regent's Canal

7. Biiiiiiiig pink limo


  1. Oh, I love all of these, but particularly the boat window and the public/interactive art piece.

  2. You make London seem so fascinating. I love how present you are to the world.

  3. LOVE these! Just what a needed on this snowy and gray morning was a jolt of color! I like the boat window best--perfection. I also like the person who wrote on the "Before I Die" project who wrote last and that they wanted the last word.

    I also liked how you titled them, especially the Love Boat. ;)

  4. That WAS an entertaining walk. Good lord.

  5. Why would anyone take the tube to work when they could walk through such a delightful landscape?
    "Optimistic lost baby toy."
    Thanks for sharing these Steve. They made me smile and I need that today.

  6. These are great. I love the interactive art piece and the little scene in the boat window.

  7. Absolutely loved walking with you to work! I so wish I had that on my way into the salt mines...LOL

  8. Ooh my favorite is the Love Boat - so much fun!

  9. Walking is always the best idea. You certainly prove it! Loved all of this happy entertainment , the dog looks embarrassed...
