Saturday, March 29, 2014

California Dreamin'

On my way to and from work each day, I pass a little shop in Maida Vale called the Boomerang Delicatessen. In the window is a long photo mural depicting, of all places, Los Angeles. (Shouldn't it be Sydney?)

In addition to the Hollywood sign and the bland glass skyscrapers of downtown L.A., there are lots of little shops and restaurants depicted in this mural. It's not really any one street, but a mishmash of images.

The cars look kind of '90s. Don't you think?

Anyway, it's a funny photo montage to come across in gray London, of all places. I wonder if the people who own the Boomerang have a special connection to California? I should ask them. (I've never even been in the shop.)

In other news, my cold is still with me. It's in my chest now, which is never fun. I am looking forward to a day of rest, in bed, and I am seriously considering calling the dog walker to deal with Olga.


  1. I hope you did call the dog walker. You need to rest so your body can get well.
    That is a very strange mural to find in London at a place called the Boomerang Deli.

  2. Ms Moon: It made me think of Elizabeth right away!
