Saturday, March 8, 2014

Colleen Arrives, and Pietà Survives

Colleen arrived safe and sound yesterday evening. We'd agreed to meet at the Notting Hill Gate tube stop, which has four exits, so I was a bit concerned about where we would connect -- not to mention whether we'd recognize each other. Then I saw a woman leaning on the railing, reading a book and standing next to a suitcase. I thought, "Well, that might be her..." When she looked up I knew for sure, and she recognized me right away. Her first words to me were, "Steve, do you know how long it's been?!" Like she can't believe it either. I brought her back to the apartment to get settled and meet Dave and Olga, and then the three of us (sans poor Olga, obviously) went across the street for a pub dinner. It's been great to trade Peace Corps stories and catch up on our lives.

I'd asked Dave to tidy up the bathroom and vacuum before Colleen and I got home, and last night as I was going to bed I realized he took the opportunity to hide the plaster Pietà in the cabinet under the bathroom sink. I put it back on the windowsill. It's art, dammit!

(On a tangent: We have lived in this apartment for almost three years, and we found this cabinet under the sink just a few weeks ago! From the outside it doesn't quite look like a cabinet -- the doors are tiny and have no handles, and I thought they were just panels concealing plumbing. Then Dave opened them and voila! A basket of cleaning supplies and more storage space! It's like one of those crazy dreams where you suddenly discover a whole new room in your house...)

On the agenda for today: Walk in the park with the dog and check out the Portobello Road market. I also intend to repot our poor root-bound avocado tree -- I finally stopped at the ridiculously overpriced housewares store at Notting Hill Gate and bought a big new pot for it.

Our amaryllis are greeting spring on slightly different schedules -- two of them have sent up buds on long shoots, and a third seems to be launching a tiny bud at the base. The fourth hasn't done a thing yet. Considering how little we do for those amaryllis I'm impressed that they survive at all.

(Photo: King's Road, near Parson's Green, last Saturday.)


  1. I'm glad the plaster pieta survived!

    Have a wonderful time with your old friend.

  2. You know I love that plaster pieta.
    A new cabinet! That's so cool.
    I'm glad you're getting a good visit with an old friend.

  3. I'm glad your friend made it and you recognized each other easily enough. but I'm afraid I side with Dave concerning the Pieta.

  4. there is indeed something about Pieta, in any form that confuses me, Mary is massive in relation to dead, skinny jesus. Anyway I do appreciate the one that you have, The plaster is cool. Love the bikes and the cut out people in your photo. Fancy taking the front tire with you all day to insure that there is not temptation for thievery.Just waling around London toting a bike wheel under your arm.Cumbersome.Your cabinet - intriguing! Nice surprise.

  5. Steve, my three amaryllis have always been on a different bloom schedule. One is currently blooming full out right now but the other two have yet to show any signs of budding. One has a new leaf coming and not sure yet if it will send up a bud or not. The other one is truly old so I am not holding out much hope for it. :(

  6. Love the blurb about the bathroom cabinet! When I bought my house over 20 years ago, I discovered a safe (Jessie James style) under the cellar stairs. I later found out it could not be moved out because they would have needed a hydraulic lift. The door was open and several envelopes were inside. Turns out they were old Macy's (Bambergers) bills...LOL AND no one left the combination so I can't use it...ugh! Like your ending better!

  7. Love the blurb about the bathroom cabinet! When I bought my house over 20 years ago, I discovered a safe (Jessie James style) under the cellar stairs. I later found out it could not be moved out because they would have needed a hydraulic lift. The door was open and several envelopes were inside. Turns out they were old Macy's (Bambergers) bills...LOL AND no one left the combination so I can't use it...ugh! Like your ending better!
