Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Dave and I have ironed out our vacation plans for Spring Break, in April. We've decided to go to the Seychelles, a cluster of tiny flyspeck islands in the Indian Ocean. Dave wanted a place where he wouldn't have to do anything -- just lie in a hammock in a warm place and maybe trudge to the beach to go snorkeling. I, on the other hand, wanted some activities, and these islands offer various sightseeing opportunities, such as the tiny capital city of Victoria, a valley of Coco de Mer palms (which grow only in the Seychelles) and lumbering giant tortoises.

I'm a bit conflicted about this trip, because of the ill health of some of my family members back in the states. But I've planned all along to go home to Florida in June, so it's not like I won't be there very soon -- and Dave, especially, needs a relaxing escape (he is in the middle of band hell this month, hosting a gathering of European honor band students and then traveling to France on a performance trip with his own band).

Our other option was the Maldives, southwest of India, but they seem a bit more built-up. (Their capital city, Malé, is a very strange-looking island -- basically a cluster of high-rises sticking up out of the ocean.) The Seychelles seemed more secluded. For the record, though, I have a coworker who went to the Maldives and she said it was fabulous. Apparently the key (as in so many places) is to get out of the capital, and there are spectacular resorts on outlying islands.

I'm not really a resort person, though. I'm more of a motel person. I found accommodation in the Seychelles that reminds me a lot of the modest little cabins my family used to rent on the beach in Florida.

Anyway, in other news, the two-job schedule is continuing to kick my butt. It's manageable but definitely busy. I was feeling a bit run-down myself yesterday (and who do I call when I call in sick -- myself?) -- but I feel much better today. At least, so far!

(Photo: Balconies and windows of the apartment building across the street.)


  1. Ooh. That sounds wonderful! And you guys deserve the good break.
    We're planning our trip to Cozumel and I am beyond excited. Literally dreaming of it.
    Energy does indeed wax and wane, doesn't it? And the older I get, the more it wanes and the less it waxes.

  2. I haven't been on a vacation in forever.

  3. I just typed Victoria Seychelles into the search line on Flickr and looked at a few of the photos. Looks like a beautiful place to visit and relax.

  4. I had the same impulse as Sharon, Googled it to be sure it was gorgeous and lgtb friendly. Yep, looks like a pretty good place to go and relax! The food also looks yummy, can't go wrong, unless your plane falls out of the sky, there is always that... Love the photo of the varied balconies and what is on them. Know your neighbor!
    Looking forward to some sunshine photos!

  5. The Seychelles? Really? Lucky you! We went to the Seychelles in 1990 when we were living in The Netherlands. It's a long way down there! We stayed on the main island of Mahé, flew to Praslin and then took a boat to La Digue (no cars!). The snorkeling was INCREDIBLE. We went in the bay just there by Victoria. I can't remember now but it's some kind of marine preserve. If you want to know what else we did, email me privately! I'm sure it's changed a lot since then. But hopefully not too much because it was very laid back. Hire a mini-moke to tour the main island!
    P.S. The rock formations are incredible too.

  6. OH ... and those coconuts that are the fruit of the Coco de Mer palms are some very lewd nuts! ;)

  7. Go to the Syechelles. Have a ball. See the sights. Be with your love. This is as important as going to see family, which you will also do.

  8. As an American who's now lived in Seychelles for more than 20 years, I congratulate you on your choice of holiday.
    Just a tip ... don't plan to take a whole day visiting Victoria. When I have visitors I always take them to town to see the sights ... both of them.
