Monday, March 17, 2014

Sunny Sunday, With More Grass-Rolling

Yesterday was a dream of a day -- pleasantly cool with a crystalline blue sky and blooming things everywhere. Olga and I walked to Wormwood Scrubs, the vast grassy park northwest of where we live. I didn't even have to wear a jacket!

Olga celebrated spring with more enthusiastic grass-rolling, one of her favorite hobbies.

On the way to the Scrubs we passed this elaborately planted little park in North Kensington, next to the wonderfully named North Pole Road.

The trees are bursting with pink and white blossoms along nearby Bracewell Road. Drivers along North Pole Road were slowing their cars to get a better look.

Olga and I stayed out for about three hours. By the time we got home, she was worn out.

(Note the recently replanted avocado, much happier in its larger pot.)

I spent the afternoon Skyping with my mom, my brother and his family in Jacksonville, and catching up on more magazine reading. In Harper's this month: a fascinating article about life in modern South Africa, and an assessment of the legacy of poet e.e. cummings.


  1. Ah, open windows and flowers in bloom! I cannot wait!

  2. You're getting your Vitamin D for sure now!
    I know you've been craving it.
    The North Pole Road. Ha! If you take it, will you end up at the North Pole? That would be so awesome.
    Olga is one lucky dog. I am sort of jealous of her.

  3. I read that same article you mentioned in yesterday's post and I came to the same conclusion that there was more going on with Adam than the specialists found.
    I love all the photos of Olga rolling in the grass. That is one happy dog!
    To answer your question about the "mouse" on my site last week, I'm not sure what it is. At first I thought it was a rat but it just seems too cute for that.

  4. Hooray for spring! I would love to do some grass rolling or the human equivalent.

    I said, "grass rolling." *blink blink*

  5. If I were to go right now and "roll in the grass" I would be frozen since I would be rolling in icy snow. We have a few patches of grass showing through, but overall we are still stuck in winter.

    Enjoy that sun!

  6. Color! There is color all around you! I'm so jealous.

  7. The top photo of Olga rolling in the grass made me laugh out loud - what a joyous moment !
