Saturday, April 26, 2014

Off to Paris

All went well yesterday with the job hand-off, and now I am back down to just one job! Woo hoo! I am looking forward to regaining my quiet evenings with Dave, uninterrupted by phone calls, or even the lingering possibility of phone calls. I already feel so much lighter. (And somewhat poorer -- that's the downside.)

Today I am off to Paris for a daylong visit with my longtime blog friend Reya. It promises to be an interesting trip. No one sees the world in quite the way Reya does!

I am catching a 6:18 a.m. Eurostar, and I look forward to riding on a luxurious train for a couple of hours, reading my book, getting coffee from the dining car. The world needs more trains.

(Photo: A springtime scene in Ladbroke Grove, last weekend.)


  1. I've ridden that train a few times and love every minute of it. One time, on the ride back to London from Paris, my friend David I spent the whole time in the dining car drinking champagne. That was a fun trip.

  2. It still, after all these years, boggles my mind that paris is a train trip away from london. enjoy, enjoy.

  3. there's nothing quite like riding a train, especially the fancy europeans ones that feel like floating compared to amtrak. what a great little trip and the rapport you mention in your following post is so inspiring. reminds me that i should seek out those people in my life for bit of rejuvenation.
