Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cuba Car

Look what Olga and I found on her walk this morning -- a papier-maché car from Cuba!

It's about six inches long, and the wheels even roll.

It was lying on the sidewalk with a bunch of scattered, discarded toys from a kids' charity shop, waiting for the trash collection. This doesn't seem like a toy, though. More like a charming little souvenir...

...which now graces my bedside table. (I've never been to Cuba, but it's on my list of places to go. I guess this is an aspirational souvenir!)


  1. I love it! It reminds me of the work of a wonderful children's book author Zachariah OHora

    Of course, in my mind everything can relate to a children's book.

  2. Sweet! Love it -- what a great find. I would have brought it home too.

  3. WELL DONE OLGA!!! Best find of the day! Glad you rescued it and that it might inspire you further...I have always wanted to go to Cuba but I want to go before it is wrecked with folks who have always wanted to go to Cuba.

  4. i love gifts from the universe. it is very cool!

  5. Rescued treasure that found its rightful owner. It's so cool looking.
