Saturday, July 12, 2014

Olga Investigates the Muddy Heath

Yesterday, Olga and I walked over to Hampstead Heath, the nearest large park to our new flat. I was afraid it would be too far to walk regularly, but as it turns out, it's only about a mile and easily doable. Olga is thrilled that she won't be confined to concrete streets for the rest of her life. (Not that she doesn't like them too, particularly on garbage day.)

Hampstead Heath is much wilder than Hyde Park, and hence -- on rainy days -- much muddier. Olga's undercarriage was thoroughly blackened by the time we came home. I had to hustle her immediately into the bathtub.

With a web of forested paths, the Heath is also much harder to navigate. I got pretty well turned around and we came out of the park much farther north than I had intended -- but that was OK. It gave us a longer adventure! It felt great to take a good long walk.

Other landmark events yesterday:

-- I researched our garbage and recycling schedule just in time to get everything out for collection. Thus we are now free of the cardboard Mount Everest of moving boxes that had built up in our entrance hall. I wasn't sure the collectors would take them all, and I couldn't find out ahead of time because when I called Camden Council on Thursday to ask, the workers were on strike! So I just risked it and put everything out and it went. Woo hoo!

-- Our broadband was installed. A technician came by in the morning and put in a new phone jack, as well as turning on the line at the junction box on the corner. Not very complicated, and now we're no longer pirating our neighbor's free WiFi. I'm sure they're thrilled, if they even notice.


  1. And now you are moved! The mountain has been climbed. It must be so exciting to be establishing all these new routines together in a new place. Studies say experiencing new things together bonds a couple. I daresay Olga too.

  2. I'm pretty sure that Olga gives her seal of approval to the move.
    Boxes gone! Wow. You know, if you look back one month you'll realize just how very much you've accomplished.

  3. Those photos make it look like you took a walk way out in the countryside.

  4. You lead a very full and interesting life ... happy to catch up with you. Love your new garden. xoxo.

  5. Olga got so lucky with this family!!! Dog heaven for sure! The top photo is my new screen saver! love it! Sounds like a most positive move and relatively painless. I have always moved with my car...which means many trips, like an ant carrying bits at a a time... tedious. I usually end up saying "fug it" and leaving half of my stuff behind. Not a bad idea really... Love your new digs!

  6. we don't have our wifi locked. I think one neighbor can piggy back on it. I don't mind especially since they do have their own internet access. Marc thinks it's scam. the internet providers create an environment of fear (imagine that in this country!). don't let anybody use your connection! that way, they make more money.

  7. Olga is in dog heaven :) So glad you're moved and mostly settled in now!
