Sunday, August 3, 2014

Insects, and a Birthday

Unlike the last time I visited Jacksonville, I don't have my own car. My transportation and picture-taking options are more limited -- I haven't managed any storefronts or urban wandering this time around. And actually, that's OK, because we've been plenty busy!

This butterfly was at my dad's house back in Tampa -- a tiger swallowtail. It was huge. I got to shoot it from a couple of different angles.

Here in Jacksonville we spent yesterday hanging around the house. We went to a local fish camp for lunch -- about the closest I will ever come to actual fishing -- where I had mahi tacos. I went with my brother on an afternoon outing to Lowe's so he could complete a project to build a backyard shed. He was furiously sawing and screwing in boards all afternoon.

While he worked on the shed, I watched "Zambezia" with my niece. Pretty darn entertaining! I told her I'd been to the real Victoria Falls, which is the setting of the movie, and showed her photos on Flickr. Maybe she'll be inspired to visit herself one day.

Then, in the evening, we celebrated her eighth birthday with a cake and presents. Woo hoo!

This is a dead cicada I found on my brother's back porch. My niece's reaction to this picture: "Gross!"


  1. Yep. You're in Florida! That is some fish camp.
    How are you handling the heat and humidity?

  2. Bug photos, I can never quite get enough of them and yours are superb!Thank you for posting the cicada especially.

  3. Oh and thank you for your comment re: Dexter. We set ourselves up son't we, but when it is good with pups it is SO good!

  4. Yes, your photos make the most mundane objects, animal and plant life truly glorious. Or perhaps the truly glorious are finally recognized by your eye!
