Monday, August 4, 2014

The Very Red World of Jane

Yesterday I was showing my eight-year-old niece how to edit photos with iPhoto. I showed her how to crop, straighten, adjust tint and temperature and add special effects. Then I let her try her hand at a few.

Above is my photo of a Zarucco Duskywing (I think) that landed in my brother's backyard.

Here is Jane's edited photo of the same butterfly. "You have to call it 'The Wings of Gold,'" Jane told me. It may be the first photo on my blog with a title!

Here's my photo of a little lizard on my brother's hammock.

And here's Jane's.

"Why does everything look like it's on the surface of the sun?" my brother asked.

Here's a photo of my brother, whose name is James but who we've all called JM practically since he was born, building a shed in his yard.

Here's Jane's dreamy version of the same scene. She has a kind of psychedelic eye, doesn't she? No wonder she likes wearing shirts with peace signs and tie-dye.

I tried to explain to her that the rule of photo editing is to do as little as possible. (That's my rule, anyway.) But to an eight-year-old, less is not more. More is more.


  1. Now if you could only teach me to do iPhoto. I CAN crop. I'll say that.
    Tell Jane that I like her photos very much. "Wings of Gold," indeed!

  2. I love your niece's creativity. She does lean toward the warmer tones, doesn't she.

  3. I think we all make up our own rules about photo editing, that we fall somewhere on the spectrum from purist to psychedelic, and you and your niece are at opposite ends of that spectrum, both of you with a wonderfully creative eye. Runs in the family!

  4. Jane is not afraid of saturated color. Bold - I love the title The Wings of Gold.

    What a lovely visit you're having!

  5. I love Jane's sense of color. Happy Birthday to her!
