Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Seven Londoners

I've stacked up quite a few portraits of people I've encountered on my walks. Here are some of them.

This woman was riding that bike at top speed on a residential street, looking like she just got off work and was late, late for a very important date. She passed me and I missed the shot, but then she turned around and came back the other way. She laughed when she saw me snap her picture.

I love the blue theme in this photo. This woman chatted me up and asked where I was from -- she told me I had a "very broad" accent, which sounds vaguely insulting. Then she asked me for a pound. I gave it to her.

Purple, purple everywhere!

A hunky window washer outside the RPS photo meeting on Sunday.

Looks like someone is having one of those days. Or weeks. Or months.

I took several shots of this woman as she walked toward me near Brent Cross on Saturday. I thanked her when she passed me. She just chuckled. I'm sure she thought I was crazy.

Last night, near Kentish Town, this man was enjoying the evening with his dog -- in kind of a Michael Jackson way.


  1. Hey, a change of pace - people as the main feature, not places.

    You should think about entering that competition you wrote about a post or to back.

    Be brave!!

    Ms Soup

  2. Great portraits! The man has a much more secure grip on his dog thank goodness!
    On another earlier post-you made me realise that almost all the bloggers I look at are women. Sometimes I am so unanalytical! Hope you found some men to read anyway.

  3. You really capture the diversity of the city. Great portraits of people just being in their lives.

  4. I have noticed with my own photos (and I am NO artist) that even the addition of a bird or a bug makes them more interesting. People generally being the most interesting subjects of all. Our minds immediately go to the backstory of what lead to that particular moment in time. And every one of these photos is a very good example of that.
    I really like them a lot.

  5. Love the window washer, the smoker, and the man with the dog.

  6. What a great set of people shots. I love the guy with the dog.

  7. these are wonderful! I love the little mouse ears on the purple woman's hair band.

  8. The Michael Jackson comment made me laugh out loud!
