Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Short Wednesday Post

Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night, which we have yet to experience in our new home. I'm sure Olga is looking forward to it. She loves explosions. (NOT!) We've been hearing select pops and crackles over the last several nights, and apparently many people celebrated Bonfire Night over the weekend -- but I expect plenty of activity tonight, too.

It's also another practice day for the faculty/staff chorus, so I am zipping off to work early in order to practice this afternoon. Our performance is on the 20th. I am not crazy about this going-to-work-early thing, so I'll be happy when it's past! I do feel like I am finally learning my parts, though, so hopefully I won't sound like a wounded moose when the time comes to sing in front of people.

(Photo: The Baker Street tube station, early Sunday morning, Oct. 26. The plaque on the left is a memorial to 177 Metropolitan Railway employees who were killed in World War I.)


  1. Your tube station is so clean and beautiful!

  2. I thought that was the Baker Street station. That's where I got on the train to Amersham last November.

  3. I have never been to Baker looks surprisingly impressive

  4. A wounded moose - THAT'S what I sound like in choir! :)
