Sunday, November 30, 2014

Pippa in the Mist

We got home yesterday and, oh man, I have never slept as well in my life as I did last night in our own bed. I suspect that goes for all three of us. Thank goodness for home.

Before we left Moreton-in-Marsh yesterday morning, Olga and I went for an early walk. A picturesque mist cloaked the fields, making me feel like a character in a Bronte novel. We met a little border terrier named Pippa, an energetic ball of wiry brown fur being walked by a middle-aged guy who had recently traveled to the American South and told me of his visit to Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee. Meanwhile, Olga and Pippa had a fun romp -- Pippa loved to jump on Olga and then roll onto her back in the grass, playing submissive, as if inviting Olga to ravage her. We let them go at it for a while, but I decided to separate them when Olga began lightly nipping at Pippa's legs and ears. She was just playing but Pippa was much smaller and I didn't want any inadvertent damage!

Anyway, Dave, Olga and I boarded the train about noon and got back to London an hour and a half later. Olga was perfectly behaved and seemed much calmer on this train journey -- no panting, to speak of. Once home, I launched the laundry and Dave and I watched "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile," a prison double-feature! It was so nice to curl up on the couch and not have to go anywhere. Home sweet home, indeed.


  1. isn't that the best part of traveling? our daughter and her family just returned from a weeks vacation and her response was 'home, sweet home'. I meant to mention on the last post about your collarless shirt. I have always found them to be quite sexy but my husband would never wear them.

  2. To go away, to come back again...

  3. Such moody atmospheric photos, you're right, they're storybook like. I love the one with Olga on the road. And is there anything better than coming home after being away?

  4. We got home last night & we were so glad to sleep in our own bed! Although the beds at my dad's house are more comfortable than the one you described...

    Glad you guys had a nice time!

  5. Moody, misty photos! Glad you had a short respite from city life! I love that Olga has her own seat on the train.

  6. The reverse of that "joy of home" is when the company FINALLY leaves, taking their mess and noise with them, and you have your house to yourself again.
