Thursday, November 20, 2014

Six-Word Story

Olga and I stumbled onto this little piece of street art outside a book shop in Hampstead. I posed her with it because it seemed to fit her, though she only has "fight" when it comes to cats and squirrels.

(I think she thought she was in some kind of trouble. That's a puzzled expression on her face.)

Yesterday some kids in the library were collecting six-word stories for the school newspaper. We were asked to write a piece of fiction in six words on a sheet of paper, and then they photographed us holding the page. My story was "Buy me a ring, or go!" I thought it was pretty clever -- coming up with a six-word story on two minutes' notice is not an easy thing -- but as I wrote it out, I thought, "People are going to think this is a message for Dave."

So I reassured Dave that my story was just that -- a STORY. Since I already have the ring (figuratively) through our civil union, I do not need any kind of literal ring, nor do I want one!


  1. Ever since reading "Baby shoes for sale - never used" (Hemingway?), I've wondered if I'd be up to the challenge.
    You showed quick thinking - good story. And a sweet disclaimer!

  2. funny the things we say in innocence that we realize later others might take too seriously. I'm not sure I could come up with anything in two minutes. or even an hour.

  3. Great story in six words! And yes, it can just be a story.
    Olga does look worried. Bless her sweet doggie heart.

  4. I like your six word story. Olga looks like she's saying "Be quick with the camera Steve". There, you have another six word story.

  5. Yeah, rings just get in the way and on cold days they freeze fingers...they can also be dangerous, My friend jumped out of the back of a pick up truck, her ring caught on the side and off came her finger. Trauma that no body needs. Clever story, LOVE!!!
    Dexter used to get that look, like Olga's when I was trying to take a face shot of him. Must be a dog threat thing, or something...

  6. Olga looks great with that picture. She does look a bit worried though! I like your story, I am not sure if I could have done so well so quickly. It will give me something to think about on the tube tomorrow morning!
