Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's Wednesday, Again

I've got nothing for you today, except this photo to show you the vast array of schlocky tote bags available at the Shepherd's Bush market.

One tiny side note about the fate of our library penguin: One of the students asked if she could have him when we took him down, and the librarian who owns him agreed. So when we erected our holiday tree, the penguin was passed along to an enthusiastic high school girl who named him "Kevin" and stood him in a corner near the high school lockers. I'm not sure he's long for this world -- he's being loved to death -- but hey, it's better than deteriorating in a dark attic, right?


  1. I love the idea of the penguin loved to death!
    And those bags may be schlocky but they sure make a striking photo!

  2. I would love to go shopping there!!!

  3. yes, a much better end than being deflated and stuffed in a box.

  4. I agree with Ms. Moon, being loved to death is much better.
    Love the "Keep Calm and Carry On" bag.

  5. I might have to buy one of each bag...I can never have enough totes it seems , especially since shops no longer give bags.

  6. Kevin the Penguin! Love that! And I am a tote bag fanatic - I have so many that I need to think up more things to tote :)
