Monday, December 8, 2014

Making It Up to Olga

An unfortunate side effect of my daylong photography jaunt on Saturday was that Olga didn't get any kind of walk. So I shook off my fatigue and took her to Hampstead Heath yesterday morning to make up for it. The weather wasn't the best -- in fact we got caught in a downpour strong enough to make Olga put her tail between her legs -- but fortunately I had an umbrella and it didn't last very long. We were out for a couple of hours, and she had a great time and picked up about ten pounds of mud.

Needless to say, when we got home, a bath was required. For both of us. (Not at the same time.)

The high school music concert was yesterday afternoon. Dave's concert band performed some pretty sophisticated pieces by Elgar, Mahler and Dvorak. Dave arranged the Mahler himself, a feat I find so impressive. I don't know how he can look at the composition of his band and figure out, based on how many types of each instrument he has, who should play what notes so that the end result comes out sounding like, well, Mahler. It's really pretty mind-blowing. I have a talented partner.

We went to dinner last night because neither of us felt like cooking (or shopping, for that matter -- we're down to bare bones in the fridge). Then, as Dave snoozed on the couch, I watched a fascinating documentary about Kate Bush, one of my longtime favorite musicians. She blends performance art and pop music into an avant garde genre all her own, and did so well before similarly adventurous musicians like Bjork. "The Hounds of Love" has to be one of the best albums ever, by anyone. She never gained much traction in the states because her sound is so unusual and doesn't really fit a commercial radio format -- but here in England she's much better known.

(Photo: Saturday morning on West End Lane, West Hampstead.)


  1. All I can say is- you are a GOOD dog daddy.

  2. better man than I. the dog would have just had to settle for the back yard were it me.

  3. I can't believe I've found another Kate Bush fan. Most of my friends have never heard of her. I discovered her on my very first trip to London when I was shopping in a record store (yes, it's been so long ago that there were still record stores). They were playing her music and I asked the clerk who it was and immediately bought the album, Lionheart. I think that one is my all time favorite although Hounds of Love is a close second.

  4. They DO sulk if they don't get a good walk don't they'?

  5. Hi Steve. THe bee is in Ellsworth Street E2. It is near Bethnal Green tube. I am afraid I have let the Bleeding London side down a bit. Since I have been working every day, and all the weekedns through November were filled I have not done any. Also the dark evenings don't help. I had an email from Del ages ago asking me to arrange with another photographer to cover the rest of Charlton. I am afraid to say I did not reply-I fully meant to but it is still languishing somewhere in my inbox. Useless! If the Christmas holidays do not become too fill I might do a little more then. I can see you have been doing very well though! Glad Olga got her walk in the end!

  6. It's nice to hear you wax admiration for your partner!

  7. I find people with musical talent to be pretty amazing in general - good for Dave!

    Glad Olga got a walk - I would have done like Ellen & let her run around the yard instead :)
