Friday, December 5, 2014

Monty the Penguin

I took some photos while walking home last night, just to prove to myself there were still photography opportunities despite the darkness. At least street lights can have some interesting effects. I debated cropping out that car bumper, but I think it kind of balances the street sign.

The holiday commercial generating all the buzz here in England is the John Lewis advertisement featuring Monty the Penguin. Because those of you in the states aren't getting this ad, I'm linking to it here. I know it represents crass manipulation of our emotions for profitable ends, but still, it is the cutest commercial ever. It makes me cry. I highly recommend it.

(It might be my new favorite Christmas commercial, surpassing even the Publix "Last Train Home" commercial from 25 years ago, which still stands out in my memory.)

And speaking of Christmas, here's our library tree, as promised, including my paper "dog penis" chain. I spent yesterday morning decorating it, and it came out fairly well. The tree itself is really beautiful, with glossy, heavy needles -- I can picture those boughs bending under the weight of a winter snow or hosting bird nests in the spring. I wish I could restore its roots and send it back to a forest!


  1. Oh what a sweet commercial! Loved it!

    Your tree looks great. I can see us doing a paper chain on our tree at the cabin one day.

  2. First, let me wipe away the tear in my eye - how sweet.
    Shades of Calvin and Hobbes with that commercial.
    I'm impressed that your library tree is a real one - much nicer for the kids.

  3. that is a great commercial. I'm more curious about how they trained that penguin. and that is a beautiful tree. you don't hardly see natural trees here anymore. they are all shaped by the growers into a perfect cone with branches being abruptly cut off to make them conform. I guess you'll know how many kids spy the cat turds and dog penis. you did turn that link out so it could be easily spotted didn't you?

  4. I have no idea what that commercial is all about but you're right- it's a tear jerker and darling too.

    I love your tree. It is perfect. Now, may the children enjoy it too.

  5. It's the best commercial ever!! As you expected I would say :)

    Love the tree - it looks great!

  6. Lynne: It's certainly an easy decorating idea, and good for recycling purposes!

    Marty: It IS like Calvin & Hobbes! Hadn't thought of that.

    Ellen: It's a CGI penguin, but it IS realistic, isn't it? As for the "dog penis" link, I didn't hide it, but I didn't purposely place it for easy discovery, either. :)

    Ms Moon: Sorry! I should have said that John Lewis is a big department store chain in Britain.

    Angella: Thank you. :)

    Bug: I knew you would like it!
