Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lemon Tree

So the great blizzard went bust, at least for New Yorkers. That's a good thing, though I understand why they're frustrated that the city shut down for nothing. It seems pretty remarkable that the weather people were that wrong about the direction of the storm, though they are somewhat vindicated by its severity in New England.

Meanwhile, here in London, I spent all day yesterday combing through the library computer system and removing patrons who are no longer at school. This might sound tedious, but actually I found it a lot of fun. It appeals to my sense of organization and tidiness.

The library gets lists of departing students at the end of each school year, and we remove them from the system. But we found that often the students' parents remain, and often our lists are not entirely complete. I bet I took 50 people out of the system yesterday -- people who left between 2010 and 2013 -- and I'm only up to the letter C! It's a painstaking process, but it's worthwhile and it keeps me busy.

As I was leaving work, I got a text from Dave: "I bought you a present!" I was a little worried what this present could be, but it turned out he stopped at a plant store on the way home and bought a lemon tree! So now we have a little bit of Florida here in London. It was sold as an ornamental lemon, but apparently that may be more for tax reasons than practical ones. The lemons look plenty edible to me. We'll see.

(There are four ripe yellow lemons on this tree, which is only about a foot and a half high!)

The store manager told Dave we could plant the tree outside as long as we protect it from snow. But I'm inclined to put it in a tub so we can bring it inside in the winter. We have many consecutive nights of freezing temperatures each year, and I can't believe a lemon could survive that.

(Photo: A dealer in LED signage near Wembley.)


  1. I hope your lemon tree brings a bit of sunshine to your apartment during the next few winter months! Dave's done good.

  2. Dave. You know what? I think you ought to make an honest man of him.

  3. Congrats on the lemon tree. That will be a great addition to your garden and home.

  4. I'm sure it would survive. we have meyer lemon trees down here that are large and live through several nights in a row of freezing temps. if you do plant it outside and need to protect it be sure and do it the right way. first of all, water it because that will help protect the roots. then cover with a sheet and then with plastic, making sure the coverings go all the way to the ground and then weigh down the edges with bricks or something so wind can't blow it around. just covering the top portion of a plant does nothing to protect it. you want to create a little greenhouse so that the warmth of the ground is contained in the covering. it is going to smell so good when it blooms.

  5. I'm with Ms. Moon on this one! I'll think of you as I'm biting into my favorite lemon tart...

  6. You need to bring it inside for the winter in a sunny window. It can stay out in full sun when it is above 40 degrees. I have been collecting and growing citrus for years and juiced about 200 lemons, oranges, tangerines and limes this winter. They are all in my greenhouse for the winter. I'm kind of a citrus and edible fruit nut.

  7. Andy's parents had a lemon tree in their flat in Edinburgh. It was in a window but was always indoors. It had lemons quite often. I love the photo-the horse and number in the window in the blank facade is great.

  8. We had a lemon tree in the backyard in Zambia - I made my first ever pie from scratch (crust too!) with lemons from that tree. Lemon meringue - yum!!

    I love tasks like that - so orderly & something that when you're done you're done (unlike, for example, dusting). And then you get to do it again at the end of the year. Fun!
