Saturday, January 10, 2015

Not Much of a Post

Dave and I have a busy social weekend -- drinks last night with some coworkers, a dinner tonight with some of the same coworkers, and then dinner tomorrow night with our old neighbors in Notting Hill. I was going to go out and do some photos today but I may just stay home. There's a lot of work to be done around the house and the weather's gray and windy anyway.

Other than that, I got nuthin'.

(Photo: Willesden Green, London)


  1. I was going to take photos for a 10 on 10 post today, but I slept until 11:00. 11:00!!!

  2. I'd be happy to just stay at home today but it's one of my Saturdays to work in the store. I expected everyone else to stay in but people keep coming in.

  3. I thought of you today when I read about a photo book contest on BLURB. I don't know your email to send the link, but I imagine you could google it. I think you'd win.

  4. if it makes you feel better I got more nuthin' than you.

  5. Free cash withdrawals..... sounds good doesn't it?

    Ms Soup.

  6. Free cash withdrawals..... sounds good doesn't it?

    Ms Soup.
