Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Flower and a Dog

We have two daffodil blooms in the back yard so far -- this one, by the back door, and one farther out in the grass near the roses. All the other daffodils are still just stalky green leaves. We've also had our single blooming crocus, which is now looking a little bedraggled, and one mysterious, unexpected snowdrop.

Why do all our flowers bloom in such...isolation?

Well, OK, it's still early in the season. I guess I have to be patient and wait for our poor bulbs to fully awaken.

And here's a gratuitous picture of Olga, hanging out on our lovely brown couch just before slinking off to bed last night. Olga is such a creature of routine. Around 9:30 p.m. she stands quietly at the back door, staring at it, until we notice and let her out. When she comes back in, she goes directly to our bedroom and gets in bed. Smart girl!

I'm getting back to routine as well. I've unpacked, and everything is in its proper place. It felt good to go to work yesterday and organize all the post-holiday book returns, and all the stacked-up magazines. It felt good to walk to work in the morning, in the brisk air and sunshine. It felt great to do all the laundry from the past week. Ah, normalcy!


  1. Olga alwas looks as though shes ever so gently smiling

  2. Oh, Olga! Such a good, dear dog!
    I'm doing laundry today. And guess what? I'm pretty happy about that.

  3. sweet sweet Olga, humans should be as smart as she is. ha ha!!!
    xoxoxo to her!!!

  4. February is too early for daffs. At this time of year I'm glad of anything blooming in the garden. But I know what you mean all the same :)

  5. there's always an eager beaver among the flowers.
    years ago, when we still lived in the city and my daughter and her family lived next door, they had a boxer. after everyone left for school and work, he would come over and hang with me in the house or shop and then about 9 or 10 PM, he would want out to go home and sleep.

  6. I take it as a sign of optimism when anything blooms, and Olga does look as though she's slightly smiling...

  7. I really should be more like Olga (um, not the part about doing my business outside, but the part about going to bed at 9:30 - ha!).

  8. I love your flowers blooming in isolation observation!
