Monday, February 2, 2015

NW10 Finished!

I am happy to say that the NW10 postcode, all 534 streets, is now officially completed for the Bleeding London photo project! I went back yesterday and took care of the final 18 streets, which took hours because they were sprinkled like pepper over the entire area. I walked a zigzag through the whole postcode and then took a bus back toward the tube.

And let me just sing the praises of public transportation. When I finished walking, I was at the far southwestern corner of the postcode. I went to the nearest bus stop, et voila! There was a bus going exactly where I needed to go, in the far northeast corner of the postcode. The buses in this town are amazing.

(It was an interesting ride too, involving an extremely drunk passenger who kept telling the woman sitting across from him to "stop talking," even though she never said a word as far as I could tell. Another guy challenged him and told him to "clean up his life.")

I'm glad to have that done, and now I'll move on to another postcode -- probably the neighboring NW11, which is sadly underrepresented.

Dave, meanwhile, pruned the rose bushes in the back garden and cleaned up some of the "winterkill" (a word I learned in New York). It looks much better out there. He's already planning to move things around and plant more plants for spring. I keep telling him he should leave the poor plants alone and let them develop some root systems, but he scoffs at my hesitance about moving them. I guess if they're hardy enough they won't mind.

(Top: Street scene in Harlesden. Bottom, a curious sticker I found on a parking meter.)


  1. What ARE Jamaican patties?
    Somehow I feel this project never, ever will be finished. But it certainly is giving you a strong sense of the city you live in.

  2. I'm just reveling in the idea that right now someone is out there pruning bushes.
    I'm watching our second major snowstorm in exactly one week - each one bringing well over a foot of snow. And we're only in western Massachusetts, not snow country like Vermont.

  3. Dave and I were doing the same. It was so nice out yesterday that despite it being only Feb. 1st, I got out there and did some pruning and trimming myself and it all looks so much better.

  4. I can not even comprehend your bleeding London project, it is so massive and you have the energy of seven five year
    My friend, an avid gardener, has a philosophy- if it survives, fine, if it doesn't, it was not meant to be...she is ruthless- has a beautiful garden. so less fuss may be the key...I wouldn't know, no garden here because of differences of opinion, If I put something in, Mr. Man takes it out.

  5. I have such admiration for you for learning how to navigate the streets of London and the public transport system. Even though I have an excellent sense of direction and very good map reading skills, the twisting turning spaghetti-like streets of London are a challenge for me. And, as far as the public transport is concerned I've only mastered the tube. The buses are a whole different challenge. I'm sure if I was living there I'd quickly learn the system but, to this casual visitor it seems daunting. Congrats on the finish up and good luck with the next one.

  6. The energy of seven five year olds - TRUTH! I'd like to see your step count on a pedometer :)

  7. Public transport? Oh yeah. our idea of a running joke...Lucky you!
