Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Oh, the Tedium...

My life must just be incredibly boring these days, because I can't think of a thing to write about.

I finished my library display yesterday for World Book Day -- so that's something, I suppose. We asked the kids to tell us which book is their favorite and why, and I color-copied each book cover and pasted their review beneath it. I put each one in a colored frame, laminated them and hung them from string with mini-clothespins purchased from Amazon. (I don't recommend the clothespins, which are incredibly cheap and barely work.) Let's call it a pseudo-laundry theme. It turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself, though like most of our displays it's almost as if the kids are trying strenuously not to look at it. I haven't seen anyone paying it any mind.

You may remember that Dave bought me five massages for my birthday. Well, I've taken two of them so far, and the massage therapist texted me yesterday and told me she's moving out of the UK! She said she'll pass on the remaining massages to a "business associate," so we won't lose them. Still, I hurriedly booked another one for this week, before she leaves. I guess I have been taking them a bit slowly. She probably hates me.

Meanwhile, I've been laying the groundwork for my trip to Florida on Saturday. I booked my rental car, and I'm trying to line up some meetings with piano dealers to sell our family Steinway, which is turning into a long arduous process. You may remember that I'd hoped to have it sold on my last visit, in August. We'll see how that goes.

(Photo: A broken leaded window in a house under renovation in Golders Green.)


  1. I was hoping that heart-shaped window was for sale and that you would send it to me.

  2. I'm amazed that you post every day. I'm a library patron though I rarely look at the displays. Btw, the gallery that is going to have some of our work in a show in Florida is Watson McCrea Gallery on Sanibel Island.

  3. Have you by chance thought of contacting the music department at our alma mater? They may be able to give you some leads...just a thought. I hope all goes well during your travels and visit and please give my best to your mom.

  4. Those displays of the kids work? They're for the parents. Invite the parents in to see them and I guarantee you they will ooh and ahh over their little geniuses. And appreciate your display.

  5. More about Bleeding London please...

  6. LAUGHING at your brother - I notice he didn't comment on the previous post :)

    Whatever you post is perfectly fine with me! I was trying to post every day, but one evening this week (was it Monday?) I realized I hadn't posted & just decided not to mess with it. And I haven't posted since. I think I see now why I was trying to post every day - it's a discipline!
