Saturday, March 28, 2015

Lunch-Hour Photo Run

Yesterday was a beautiful day -- cool and clear and sunny. Of course, I was inside most of the time. But I went out at lunch and zipped up to Dollis Hill on the tube to photograph a handful of Bleeding London streets, and then zipped back to work again. I fit it all into my lunch hour, although I barely had time to cram a tuna sandwich into my gullet!

I wanted to get some photography done because, wouldn't you know, the next four days (at least) are supposed to be gray and somewhat rainy. I'm going to try to keep working on BL anyway. As long as the rain isn't coming down heavily.

The super-creative Girl Scout poster artist(s) at school are back at it! I guess we're supposed to turn out the lights for an hour tonight? 'It's a chance to celebrate our brilliant plant...from the desserts to the oceans." Awesome.

We haven't cancelled the dog walker for next week. Part of me thinks it might be kind of nice to just let him come as usual and take care of Olga during the day, freeing us up to do other things. And part of me thinks, "But we could save £60!" Surprisingly (for me), the former argument appears to be winning, so far.

(Top: A street in Dollis Hill, yesterday.)


  1. That first photo is your blog title! I love the girl scout art too. Spelling mistakes are part of the charm of children's writing and part of the fun of being a teacher!

  2. Oh, that poster! The enthusiasm and glory of youth. Spelling comes when it comes.
    And then when you age, it goes again.

  3. Love the poster...Will you be turning out your lights?

  4. Love that poster! Mike & I usually celebrate Earth Hour, but this year we're going to be at a play at his university. Apparently, the play includes some rabble rousing lefties & the director has asked Mike to stand up at one point, start singing the Star Spangled Banner, and storm out of the theater. Which is hilarious because Mike himself is a rabble rousing lefty :) Should be fun.

    And yes, let the dog walker come next week - consider that you're doing your part to help the local economy!

  5. Wonderful photos -- and I, too, love the sweet poster.
