Tuesday, May 19, 2015

More Garden Goings-On

We got a surprise yesterday when our first iris bloomed! We have two kinds of iris, this one -- which is quite elegant -- and another called foetidissima or "stinking" iris. The stinking iris hasn't bloomed yet, but I am very curious to see it (and smell it) when it does.

The wild geraniums are also blooming profusely. We learned from a gardening TV show that this is a proper geranium, and the plants that so many of us call geraniums -- with the thick woody stems and bright bunches of flowers -- are actually pelargoniums. For what that's worth.

This mysterious wildflower grew up out of nowhere. I believe it's pink campion. I've seen it on Hampstead Heath, too. Dave accidentally weeded some of it, but we left this plant alone.

And this is Solomon's seal, which we found growing here when we moved in but, like the iris, we've never seen it bloom before.

What did I ever write about before we had a garden?


  1. aren't gardens wonderful! you are just getting to know yours.

  2. oh, and I love that pink flower, the way the petals are shaped.

  3. The wild geranium (who knew?) dresses in morning glory colors. Ellen is right about the shape of that pink flower's petals.
    I lived here eleven years and I still find surprises in the yard.

  4. Elegant is a perfect word for that gorgeous iris. There is a lot of color sprouting in your garden!

  5. on geraniums ... I have some that are like yours but pink instead of purple that have somehow infiltrated my flower bed. Not that I am opposed to their infiltration, as they are carefree and pretty. But maybe Brits have a different idea of what we here call "geraniums." I also thought the other woody kind are the "real" thing. But what do I know?

  6. I love that you have a garden. In the city no less. I live vicariously through you.

  7. These are lovely!

    Hmm, Pinky the Pet Pelargonium sounds pretty cool - I'll have to let Dr. M know her new name :)

  8. I never knew that about geraniums. That is a beautiful plant, as are the irises.
