Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Kentish Town

After cleaning like the proverbial white tornado yesterday morning, I took a photo walk through Kentish Town, south and east of Hampstead Heath. I don't get over that way too often, even though it's fairly close by. It was warm and sunny, and although I had to sort of force myself to go, once I got out and got moving I found some good stuff.

I walked past this Thai Restaurant and was immediately seduced by the wacky, Buddhist Acid Trip decor. I had green Thai curry for lunch!

Olga, meanwhile, got worn out with her dog walker in the morning, so when I got home she was crashed and stayed that way most of the afternoon. She and I both love this time of year, when it's finally warm enough to open the doors and windows.

Some of you asked for another garden shot, after my rhapsodizing in yesterday's post. Unfortunately I can't fit everything into one picture -- the plants next to the patio fence aren't visible here, for example -- but this will give you an idea of all that's going on!


  1. I love these pictures! The steps, the trippy Buddha decor, Olga, your garden! I had red curry for lunch yesterday. It was delicious. The decor at Japanica isn't as trippy but it does have some awesome pictures of sumo wrestlers. And swords on the wall. And a fish tank. And the world's comfiest couch.
    Keep taking pictures!

  2. I love every photo here, but that picture of your garden, I am positively green with, not envy, because I don't begrudge you that beautiful garden, but maybe green with wishing I could step out into such a corner of heaven myself! How fortuitous that you had to move living spaces, and even if everything in the new place doesn't work optimally all the time, well, you have that garden!

  3. some great shots! love the buddhas and what is that gorgeous purple creeper all over those steps? and now you see, right, that Dave's obsession is worth every penny.

  4. What a great set of photos today! Love that Thai place. That's the kind of décor that would have drawn me in too. Your garden is spectacular. What a peaceful little oasis in the big city. It's looking very lush.

  5. Thank you for fulfilling my request to see the garden, or as you say, most of it. Stunning! What a great space you have and so many lovely flowers!

    Love the photo of the Buddhas but I'm not sure I'd feel comfy eating under their stare!

  6. Oh,my gosh your garden! It looks like a real English garden which I guess it is! You and Dave have such green thumbs. And that Thai place is hilarious -- it does look like something you'd hallucinate!

  7. Love those steps! Pretty purple flowers... And your yard! So jealous!

  8. Thanks, everybody! Dave appreciates all your comments too. (Especially yours, Ellen. :) )

    The purple flowers along the steps are a kind of campanula, I think. I don't know what the yellow ones are, but they grow wild and are very common along walls and in cracks. We have lots of both in the alley beside our flat.
