Sunday, June 28, 2015

London Pride

As promised, I went down to the Pride parade and festivities after French class yesterday. I got there just in time to see the beginning of the parade turn the corner at Oxford Circus onto Regent Street, and the crowds were dense. I couldn't get close enough to see much of the parade itself, but I had a great time wandering through the throngs of spectators and taking photos.

Everyone was in on the festivities...

...from the very young... the not-so-young. This lady said to me, "I'm a revolution!" I agreed with her, but I should have said, "We are all a revolution."

And of course, there were dignified drag queens...

...and various other costumed individuals.

False eyelashes were definitely at a premium.

I wandered around for a couple of hours before coming home and collapsing. I did see a couple of U.S. flags waving, presumably a reference to the Supreme Court's decision on gay marriage. It has been a week to celebrate!


  1. Such great shots of the British Gay Pride Day -- I'm sorry to have missed it in West Hollywood this year in particular, but I'm here on Whidbey Island with several gay women who we are celebrating with despite our intentions to be unplugged and writing!

  2. These photos made me smile---did you take enough for another book?

  3. There is so much to celebrate! I think the Pride Parade is today in NYC. I won't be there but it's nice to know that it's happening all the same.

  4. What happy faces. I tried to imagine a U.S. cop with a rainbow painted on her/his cheek, but couldn't do it. Good for MSC Sergeant Lesley Craig!

  5. Aw...
    The best!
    And what photo opportunities!
    Thanks for sharing what's going on in your part of the world.
    More love.

  6. You got some fantastic people photos here! Looks like a crazy fun time which it should be!

  7. Looks like a hoot! We've been amazed all weekend. One of my friends posted something that said that her facebook wall looked like a fight broke out between the confederates & a box of skittles - and I have to say that was pretty accurate. I think my conservative friends were just stunned on Friday, but now they've been to church & boy do they have things to say. I've had to block a few so I don't lose my buzz :)

  8. I LOVE the one with the fan and the red hair. Fabulous!
