Wednesday, June 24, 2015

York, as Opposed to New York

We have safely arrived in York, on a train that mercifully ran on time and gave us no difficulties. We fortunately sat with two dog-friendly women who told us all about their own dog (and their family, and their grandmother's recipe for Victoria sponge cake, among other things). So Olga's presence wasn't a problem. In fact, one of the women took her photo and sent it to friends via Snapchat.

We had plenty of time to explore yesterday afternoon. We went and found lunch at a pub, and then wandered the streets of the old part of the city, within its medieval walls. The walls are still standing in many areas and you can walk atop them, in fact -- but dogs aren't allowed, so we're going to have to work out the logistics of that.

There were some interesting characters out and about, like this eccentrically-garbed street musician.

Here are Olga and Dave reflected in a window of the pub where we ate lunch. Olga gets a little antsy in pubs and cafes. She can never really just lie down and relax. There's just too much going on, I guess.

When we got back to the guesthouse after our walk in town, I asked the owners to send me to the nearest park where Olga could run free. Strangely, that turned out to be a horse racing track, where people and dogs wandered all over a huge open field and even within the track itself. You can see the grandstand in the background of the photo above. Olga ran and ran after her kong and got a good workout.

Dave and I had dinner last night in yet another pub -- not the best food, but we got to sit by the River Ouse as the sun set and watch wandering pedestrians, including a man who fed a massive flock of Canada geese with numerous bags of old sliced bread. Eventually it got too chilly so we went inside. It's 51ยบ F here this morning! You'd never know it's summer!


  1. I hope you know how wonderful it is to come here and read of your adventures and see all the sights. Thank you!

  2. Well, if you do go up North that is what you get. :-) (I had to look up the Fahrenheit thing.) We are going to get 20 C today, which I'm quite happy with, but we had York conditions yesterday.

  3. Looks like an interesting place and I'd love that weather as we are sweltering here!

  4. Another world completely from where I sit. As Elizabeth said, it is such a pleasure to come and visit. Dear Olga. What a sweet country which lets dogs come into the pub. And run on the horse track.

  5. Oh my gosh, I got a bit of a shiver just reading that temperature. Great photos today.

  6. The dilemma of taking the dog or leaving her and missing her. Nice that she could go this time. Lovely pictures

  7. I think York looks a lot more quaint and inviting than the New York (city) we just visited over the weekend! :) I love countries that accept dogs in restaurants. When we lived in Germany and France we always took Manda with us and she was the perfect guest by sleeping under the table the whole time. When we were finished eating and left and Manda came out from under the table everyone was always amazed. Loving the ability to take doge anywhere people can go.

  8. Olga looks much more relaxed on the green grass than in the pub - but I love that picture of her & Dave.

  9. Such a quaint looking town, like something out of Harry Potter, or is it JK Rowling.
