Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Moroccan Cat Nap

About 21 years ago, I took this picture in Essaouira, on the Moroccan coast. I loved the cat curled up asleep on the fishing nets, and the man sleeping in a similar way behind it. But as it turned out, I had the camera set wrong -- and I was also standing way, way too far away from my subjects. So, frankly, it was kind of a sucky picture. I never did anything with it, and didn't even keep the print.

After I had my negatives scanned, I cropped the photo as it originally should have been taken, and I corrected the color a bit. It's still no prize-winner but now it's much better. I'm sure I could do even more with a higher-resolution scan. Isn't it great that modern technology allows us to give new life to screwed-up pictures from decades ago?


  1. Yes! It is cool. And that is an arresting picture, even with what you perceive as its flaws.

  2. those are piles of fishing nets? I try to keep up with technology. one thing I never transitioned to though was drawing on the computer. my husband tried for years to get me to but like I told him, it took me too long to learn how to draw with a pencil to start over and learn how to draw with a mouse or a stylus.

  3. That is a great shot and yes, it is like a bit of magic that we can now edit old photos and make them look much better. I've been surprised at how I've been able to save a few old photos that I thought were destined for the delete bin.

  4. EXCELLENT! Love the photo, glad you dinked it back to life! It is wonderful.

  5. I can tell how good you are and what a professional, because that first picture was very cool to me. I'd be interested in you writing a post on your process -- how you first frame a shot and then where it takes you.

  6. I was intrigued by both versions of the photo. As you know I love photo editing programs.

  7. Love the photo. But then I'm a cat person.

  8. Cats and their humans can sleep anywhere!
