Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Color Box

Olga and I sometimes pass this piece of playground equipment on our morning walks. (And what IS it? A clubhouse? A jungle gym? I don't even know.) At this time of year, the sun streams through those colored panels on the top and throws patches of colored light on the ground. It's a cool effect.

Olga the glow-dog!


  1. Very cool indeed. At first it looked more like a sculpture than a piece of play equipment.

  2. I agree with Marty. It looks like ART!

  3. I love the photo of Olga and her red glow.

  4. So beautiful, Olga sort of glows all by herself but I really like the light enhancing her best features. Love the sunshine through the panels. Right time of day! Just lovely!

  5. I love that -- what a great idea for a play structure!

  6. Can you imagine a house along those lines? I think it's art, too.
