Friday, August 7, 2015

Flower Plaques

When I was five years old, I made these plaques, based on some I saw in my arts and crafts classes at summer camp. As I recall, I came home and hammered together my own versions using stuff I found in the garage and yard.

You gotta love how haphazard they are. The petals of the flowers are made from bits of pine cone, and the stems from sticks. I love the bent nails, the cracks and breaks, the sloppy paint job.

My mom was so impressed with them she took a picture of me:

(The red one in the photo is different from the one we have now. I must have made an extra one. Maybe I gave it away to my regular after-school babysitter, who was a surrogate grandmother to me.)

We hung them in my room, and when I got a few years older they were stored in a closet, and for the past few decades they've been hanging in a guest room. But the blooms are about to fade. My mom isn't keeping them when she moves, and neither am I. I just don't have the will or the space to schlep them back to England. The flowers are finally going back to nature!


  1. OMG...i love them. You did a great job!!!

  2. Oh my, you did a great job with those. I love the photo of you, too...

  3. How sweet -- and adorable you were. Even then -- an artist.

  4. So artistic! I love that you made them & that your mom kept them.

  5. You did a great job - your talent was already showing!

  6. Those works of art were meant to last, just look at how they were put together!!

    Ms Soup

  7. That's amazing work especially for a 5 year old!
