Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dog Care Drama

Olga would have nothing to do with the rainy weather yesterday morning. I tried to walk her as usual and she got about ten feet from the front door, stopped, gave me one of her deep, doubtful looks, and turned around and headed back home. She does not like the rain.

I finally cajoled her into the back garden long enough to make sure she peed, since I didn't want to leave home without that having happened. She is a camel, though, and she probably would have been fine until her dog-walker showed up in the afternoon.

Dave and I changed our plans for dog care when we go to Lisbon in about a month. We'd originally asked the daughter of a friend to house-sit and dog-sit, but the more we tried to arrange a meeting with this girl to tell her about Olga, the more elusive she was. I finally wrote her a few days ago and said that she seemed awfully busy, and I was concerned she wouldn't be able to care for Olga as needed. She wrote back and admitted that it would probably be better for us to find some other option because her work schedule is so unpredictable. So Olga will be going to the expensive, annoying dog boarder for Thanksgiving as well as Christmas.

It's all for the best. I would not want to be in Lisbon worrying about the dog.

(Photos: From some recent morning dog walks.)


  1. Those leaves are intense, just lovely Steve. I am Olga will be well taken care of well, even if annoying in its way.

  2. This is one of the reasons I don't have a dog although I always have to get someone to watch the chickens while I'm gone and they certainly can't go to a kennel so...
    Gorgeous color in that photo.

  3. Hard to enjoy yourself on vacation when your heart is pulled by worry about a furry friend at home. You two were wise to ditch that first choice. And as annoying as the other choice is, you know it's worked out before.

  4. First photo slightly creapy...very halloweenesque

  5. I'm lucky to have my sister to take the puppy when needed. she also (the puppy) does not like the rain.

  6. I love the leaves! It's awful to be traveling and worrying about the dog while you are gone so this is probably a better option. Olga is living in the wrong country if she doesn't like rain. Or, maybe she's just had her fill for a while.

  7. Poor Olga and the rain. Have to say I wouldn't want to go in the rain either! Those leaves are so very red - the reddest I've ever seen, I think, and I live in the land of maples.

  8. My daughter recently borrowed a stranger's dog for the weekend. Apparently there is a website through which petless Londoners can have temporary charge of other people's pet dogs. See

    With regard to Olga and the rain - she needs two little pairs of wellingtons, a plastic raincoat and a hat - possibly a deerstalker. Then you will have no problem walking her on rainy mornings.

  9. I don't much like walking the rain either :)

  10. as long as they take good care of her and love her then it is a bargain at any price. If we did not go out in the rain here, we would be housebound for 98 percent of the time! LOVE the red and sap green combo of the gorgeous leaves!
