Monday, November 30, 2015

Rain, Wind and the Sunday Mail

We're back in London, our flight yesterday morning taking off in beautiful, sunny weather and landing in rain and gusty wind. Ah, England!

We took the Lisbon metro out to the airport at 7:30 a.m., and I didn't even get a cup of coffee into my body until we were in the terminal about an hour later. I was flagging a bit by that time, but I survived. The flight was uneventful -- we ran into one of our coworkers, Pete, and his wife in the Lisbon terminal, which was kind of funny. And at Heathrow we met another group of teachers from school, as well as a family with kids who are students, who had all just been in Bilbao. I guess everyone comes and goes on the same tides.

I finished my book, "The Night in Lisbon," on the plane. It was OK. I was then left without anything to read, so I resorted to the in-flight magazine -- which actually wasn't bad -- and then a borrowed copy of the Mail on Sunday. You know I'm desperate for reading material when I'm driven to a conservative newspaper.

Some of you asked the other day whether I have pictures of certain things I've mentioned -- the Marilyn Monroe potato chips, for example. The answer is yes, and when I get all my Portugal pictures uploaded to Flickr within a week or two I'll give you the link so you can see them.

Olga hasn't rejoined us yet. She doesn't come back from the kennel until this afternoon, when Dave will be home to meet her.

(Photo: The Beatles Store on Baker Street, Nov. 21.)


  1. It sounds like it was a great trip, and I look forward to more photos! I hate being stranded on a plane without reading material -- what book are you planning on starting next? I do think you'll love "City on Fire."

  2. Have a fun few weeks back at school before the big day...I can't wait to see the rest of your photos.

  3. I hope that you bought Olga a souvenir Portugese bone!

  4. cold and wet here too. and holiday over, back to the grind.

  5. There's a London Beatles Store?
    I can't wait to see your pictures.

  6. That's interesting that you ran into so many people you know at airports. Your holiday weekend must be a popular one for short trips. I don't think I ever saw that Beatles store before. When I visited Abbey Road, some guy tried to talk me into visiting his Beatles Museum which was supposedly just down the road but, I declined. I look forward to seeing your photos from Lisbon.

  7. Your title reminds me of the Cowsills' song The Rain, The Park and Other Things - not sure if that was intentional, but thank you for the great memory poke!

    And why do vacation days go twice as fast as other days??

  8. that was a quick get away but looked worthy for sure! Great sunshine shots! I felt a little warmed! Olga the pooch and foxie the fox will be thrilled that you have returned!

  9. Oh goody, more photos to look forward to in the very near future.

    Ms Soup
