Thursday, November 19, 2015

The OAP Critic

Yesterday Dave and I went to see "High School Musical," which our school drama class has produced on stage. I've never seen the movie so I wasn't sure what to expect. Now I think I'll skip it. At the risk of sounding old and curmudgeonly, it's not "South Pacific."

The kids, however, did their best with the material at hand, and many of them surprised me by effectively playing characters so unlike their everyday personas. Now at least I can talk to them about the show, which will hopefully win me some points so I won't be seen strictly as the Library Enforcer. (Everything is political, right?)

Each year local OAPs, or Old Age Pensioners, are given free access to the Wednesday show, and yesterday was no exception. But at least one of them, sitting in front of me, felt the way I did about the script. He kept frantically waving his hands in a dismissive manner and in a quiet moment I heard him mutter "garbage" out loud. Yikes! Old people really lose their filters, don't they?

(Photo: South Kensington, on Sunday.)


  1. I love the picture of the lady in the tiger "onesie". She must be a Hull City supporter for we are The Tigers!

  2. Oh dear. I hope the kids didn't notice him.
    Still, I understand. Unless I knew the kids on stage (back in my teaching days),I was never a fan of amateur theater.
    That said, guess where I'm going tomorrow night? A friend of ours is in charge of the performances at a private school. At least I know the dinner beforehand will be good.

  3. WHAT the hell is that picture about? Do people really go about in tiger track suits?
    Yes. Old people do lose their filters. It is so much fun.

  4. well, that was certainly rude of him. being old doesn't give you free reign to be rude but then he was probably always rude.

  5. I LOVE Ms. Moon's comment above. And, I love the photo today. What a totally unusual outfit to be wearing on the street.

  6. Whoa! Don't paint all seniors with the same brush!!!

  7. Having been silent for most of our lives, and now being old and invisible, I am glad the filters have worn thin, Ms. Moon is correct! So much fun!

  8. I agree but I think my filter has always been a bit thin...Perhaps the gentleman was expecting something more along the lines of the Gilbert and Sullivan stuff my American high school overseas performed...

  9. it tickles me how you use the english terms for things now, like OAPs instead of retirees. you are a british gentleman, my friend.

  10. I love that about old people, to tell you the truth. It must be such a relief.

  11. Some old people do lose their filters ... and sometimes they don't have to be all that old either! I think it's nice that seniors get in free. There need to be some perks to aging.

  12. I would have thought the British had more sense/style than to wear 'onesies' - the very name makes me cringe.
    I'm with Linda Sue, the great thing about being old and invisible is when you speak your mind, people are looking about to see who made such an outrageous statement and they can't see us because we're invisible....

    Ms Soup

  13. Red: I certainly didn't mean the "no filters" remark in a derogatory way. On the contrary, I admire speaking one's mind and I look forward to the day when my own filters are shot. :)

  14. Well here's something spooky - someone on Facebook was talking about how she took her kids to school wearing an elephant onesie & I could not fathom what that would look like. Well I reckon it might look like the photo above, except grayish. Ha!
