Monday, December 21, 2015

About to Take Flight

Once again, I felt better yesterday -- well enough to take Olga back to the cemetery. I had to keep her on the leash much of the time because I saw about a half-dozen people there decorating graves, I suppose for the holidays. I'm sure she didn't understand why she couldn't chase squirrels, but she didn't seem to greatly mind. She could chase them with her eyes.

Dave still had a cough and a slight fever in the afternoon but he said he feels better too. So I think we're in good enough shape to board that plane today.

(Either way, we've gotta do it.)

And supposedly, a sick person is only really contagious when their symptoms begin. Right? Or is that an old wives' tale?

My packing is done. Olga's new harness is at the ready. Now we're just waiting for the dog boarder to show up this morning, and we're off!

Oh, and I've finally uploaded all my Lisbon photos. There are probably far more than you would want to see, but if you'd like, you can check them out here.

(Photo: A neighborhood Christmas tree, on Saturday.)


  1. Well I hope you have a good flight and that all goes well over in Florida. Best wishes to the two of you!

  2. Safe travels! I love the photo today. It's so very London!

  3. I think you are most contagious even before the symptoms appear. anyway, have a good flight and, whoo hoo, a fabulous wedding.

  4. Great photo. Safe travels and I hope you're both well on the big day!

  5. Safe travels, Steve! I hope that you and Dave feel fine the entire trip. I had a few minutes to scroll through your remarkable Lisbon photos. I'm "wowed" once again by the beauty of your "eye" and talent for capturing such remarkable images.

  6. Bon Voyage! Hope all goes well.

    Olga can "chase squirrels with her eyes" LOL! Oh, so true!

  7. I'll look at the Lisbon photos while you are away.

    And I will feed the fish.

    And the best of everything in Florida.

    Ms Soup
