Friday, December 11, 2015

Feather and Staffy

A few minutes ago, as I was making my coffee in the dark morning kitchen, I heard a lot of mad scrambling and growling at the back door -- Olga trying to get out. I suspect our friend the fox is in the yard. Fortunately this time there was no houseplant carnage.

I usually try to keep Olga inside until dawn, so she won't disturb our nocturnal wanderers, but it's getting harder to do at this time of year, when it's dark so much of the day. (It gets light about 7 a.m. and dark promptly at 4 p.m.)

She was thrilled last night because I gave her a bone from the last of Sunday's lamb. She ate the entire thing. It always amazes me how thoroughly a dog can consume a bone.

This is not Olga, but another staffy I found sitting outside a grocery store as I walked home last night. I wish I'd had my good camera, but I had to make do with my ancient iPhone. I was amazed how placidly this dog was waiting for its owner. Olga would be playing in traffic, and following any friendly passerby home! (Especially if they had food.)

Today is Holiday Jumper day at work -- and you know what that means. Time to break out the tacky Christmas sweater from last year! ("Jumper" is the British word for sweater.) We also get to wear jeans. It's the little things!

(Top photo: A feather caught in a tree on Hampstead Heath.)


  1. what a piglet! I'm too much of a chicken to leave our dog outside store fronts. i don't know if he would run off in search of new laps or stand around barking at little old women wearing funny hats. enjoy jumper friday. silliness is one of the fringe benefits of the holiday season.

  2. Jessie's dog Greta visited yesterday and I was amazed at how well-behaved she is. Some dogs are just good dogs. Not to be confused with the ones I had.

  3. I talked to someone yesterday who said his family has an "ugly sweater" dinner this time every year. That sounds like so much fun.

  4. Minnie is the same way. anyone even looks at her and smiles, she's off to wiggle and waggle at their feet. it doesn't help that people encourage her.

  5. That Staffie should have been tied up!

    Will you be posting a picture of yourself in Xmas jumper? Go on!

  6. Since I didn't see your sweater last year, I went off to have a look. Well. It's a HIGH END tacky Christmas sweater - your good taste shows through! Have a good time.

  7. I still say your sweater is NOT tacky :) Did you take the tag off?

  8. Both photos are wonderful! The expression on the dog's face really got to me. I hope he didn't have to wait there too long.
