Saturday, February 20, 2016

Crocuses and Infinity

Olga and I took a long walk to Hampstead Heath yesterday, where we were pleased to find crocuses coming up. (The ones in the picture were actually in a nearby cemetery, but trust me, there were plenty of them on the Heath.) Spring has sprung!

As usual, my canine charge was thrilled to get out of the house.

We even found a light saber, left behind by a careless Jedi. The force was with us!

The weather allowed us a good view from the top of Parliament Hill. You can see how muddy the Heath is at the moment. I'll be glad when the grass begins to grow back after its winter dormancy!

In other news...

Several days ago Dave and I were watching the prison drama "Orange is the New Black" and Piper, the lead character, was talking about getting a tattoo. Something small, she said, maybe an infinity symbol -- for which she was chastised by a fellow inmate for succumbing to cliche. And I was like, "Wait a minute!"

Because that is my tattoo. I have a small infinity symbol, about the size of a dime, on my right foot, given to me by hand by a friend in the Peace Corps. (You could say it's my own version of a prison tattoo.)

How is it possible that a tattoo I've had for 23 years is now regarded as a cliche?! Here I thought I was being quite the rebel. I'm going to maintain that at the time I got it, I was breaking new ground, and the world has simply imitated me. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Also, I got my overseas ballot for voting in the Florida Democratic primary. It has exactly one race on it. I'll mail it off on Monday, and you know who I'll be voting for!


  1. You have an infinity tattoo?... You must be Buzz Lightyear in disguise.

  2. infinity. that's a good one. my twin grandgirls decided a year or so ago that when they turned 18 we would all go get the same tattoo so that they would have something to remember me by when, you know, I'm gone. they turn 18 this summer. I think we are going to get the yin/yang. I'm leaving it up to them since they will have it much longer than I.

  3. And as it turns out, Piper should have gotten the infinity tattoo.

  4. Olga seems more interested in her Kong than the light saber. I love the view from Parliament Hill. I've always thought an Ankh symbol would be perfect for me but, I have never gotten one as a tattoo.

  5. Now with tattoos , you're going to have to stay ahead of the game. Set a new standard for being ahead of the game!

  6. I want to catch up with that tv show....all loved up with the walking dead at the moment

  7. I love that first picture of Olga - if you hold your head properly, the brown spots on her back make a face - two eyes, nose and mouth :)

    Crocuses - love 'em. We won't see ours for another month at least, but it cheers me to know they're blooming somewhere!

  8. Who decides what's cliched anyway? I think circumstances are everything, and the circumstances of your tattoo are certainly romantic and adventurous.

  9. I totally understand - turns out the china I picked out when we got married (Lenox Poppies on Blue) ended up being the most popular pattern in America. There's NO WAY I would have picked it if I'd known :)
