Monday, March 21, 2016

Good Mural, Bad Timing

Yesterday was quite a whirl of activity. Dave came back from Doha, I was scheduled to meet our former neighbor Chris for an afternoon of photography in Soho, and I had to take Olga out for an excursion.

Knowing I was going to be doing lots of walking with Chris in the afternoon, I couldn't face the idea of taking Olga all the way to the Heath. So we went instead to Kilburn Grange Park, which is much closer. We don't often go there because it's not very large, but there's a big open space where Olga can chase her Kong (while ignoring all the other dogs who are trying to play with her), so it serves our purpose.

I met Chris at 3 p.m. at the Photographer's Gallery in Soho, where I promptly spent £35 on a book of New York photos that we then had to lug around with us all afternoon. We walked through Soho and down to Trafalgar Square. We found a dead pigeon lying in front of a big, beautiful mural, and that made for some photographic moments (top).

Remember this flags-of-all-nations chalk mural? It's a regular feature at Trafalgar Square, were I photographed it a few months ago. Apparently at the end of the day the artists are required to remove their chalk creations -- or so this guy said.

In the evening Chris and I met his wife Linda and we had dinner at a Vietnamese place. It was good, but I really just wanted to get home, since Dave arrived in the late afternoon. I couldn't get away until almost 9 p.m., and by the time I got home he was in bed. So I've barely had a chance to hear about his trip. We didn't time that very well!


  1. That's a very full day.
    As for the chalk art, it's hard to imagine spending all that time creating something knowing you'll have to destroy it a few hours later.

  2. The picture at the top is amazing and proof that you did get at least some timing quite perfect yesterday!

  3. The top photo is very interesting! I like it just the way it is.

  4. Sometimes simple things get complicated like dog walking photographing and meeting world travelers when they return.

  5. Ah well, at least dinner conversation tonight is covered :)

    What an interesting and well-done mural that is.

  6. what a gorgeous mural. chalk art sort of like the mandalas and sand paintings of the Navaho...spend all that time making them just to destroy them later.

  7. Three great photos today. Hopefully, you and Dave can catch up today.

  8. Like you, I always want to be there when my loved travelers walk through the door. I always think I get the best stories then, but of course, that's not necessarily true. You'll get all the stories today.

  9. It was a great idea for you and Chris to kill Percy the pigeon in the name of photo art.

  10. I would say your timing is perfect to get the guy cleaning the chalk work. Fabulous photo on all sorts of levels! I am pretty sure that just one walk with Olg woudl be the end of my walking day! You are the best walker EVER!!

  11. Great photos - especially the mural.

    Ms Soup
