Tuesday, March 1, 2016

In the Dining Room

A further indication of our brighter spring days: We've had enough sunshine lately to generate dramatic shadows in the dining room, and liven up our sparkly hanging ornament, a gift to Dave from our friend Kellee in Michigan.

Mary and Jesus, who prop open the door in our garden-ornament rendition of Michelangelo's Pietà, also appreciate the sunshine.

Yesterday was a whirlwind at work, between checking in all the books returned after the students' long weekend, checking out replacements and photographing more "ideal bookshelves," a project that continues today and probably all this week. Along with various other miscellaneous tasks.

Last night Dave and I started watching the original "Brideshead Revisited" miniseries, with Jeremy Irons. Seeing how much Dave liked "Downton Abbey," I thought he might be into "Brideshead," especially given the gay subtext -- and I hadn't seen it in years so I was happy to watch it again. The jury's still out on whether Dave approves.


  1. I approve of 'Brideshead Revisited', although it is a trillion years since I first saw it. Maybe I should watch it again to see whether I revise my opinion.
    Pleased you explained the first photo - I had to read the post to figure out what it was....

    Ms Soup

  2. Very eclectic mix of stuff in your house...Liked Brideshead when I saw it a million years ago too...

  3. Love the textures and colours of your Mary and Jesus doorstop.

  4. And the jury is still out on how the hell you achieved that sparkly spray effect in the first picture!

  5. Love the sparkly thing photo! That is awesome! And you know I'd love that Pieta doorstop.

  6. that's a helluva door stop you have there...Mary! Jesus! hold the door if you would please.

  7. I like that first shot - at first (quick) glance, with the page loading, it looked like a spray of water and I thought you had stopped to photograph a leak in the plumbing! Rather relieved to find out you aren't quite that committed and it was just my eyes :D

  8. Very cool first picture! I read on another blog that the proportions of that Pieta are all wrong - if Jesus (or was it Mary?) stood up, their body would NOT look right. A bit of artistic license to get the effect he wanted :)

  9. We have that same Mary and Jesus ornament. My son gave it to his grandmother one Christmas, purchasing it with his saved pocket money, so it was very special to her. We now have it back at our house. The photos, especially the top one are very dramatic! Is the top photo black and white or color?

  10. I love that sparkly ornament. It's always great to see sunshine in London!
