Sunday, March 6, 2016

Kong and Daffodils

Well, I did go to French class. I waited until the last possible moment to decide, and then had to rush through my homework and hop on a bus to make it just barely on time, thus maximizing my stress all around. But once I was there, I was glad I went.

It's the same every week -- once I get to class, I'm fine. Getting there is the challenge.

After I came home and we had lunch, Dave and I took Olga to Fortune Green for a romp with the Kong. We were just one of several dog-human duos or trios running around the park at that moment.

We managed to keep her out of the daffodils, which was a feat unto itself.

Olga says, "Give me my KONG!"

Afterwards we went for a walk around the cemetery. I've photographed these graves before, in other seasons. The second one from the right is always in blossom with some flower or other.

Needless to say, someone had a great time, always on the lookout for les écureuils. (A word I learned yesterday!)


  1. I'm impressed that you've stuck to French -- it's really such a difficult language to learn. Despite my many, many years of study, including majoring in it in college, I can barely carry on a conversation today. I think your thought about immersion is a good one -- any chance you can do a French sabbatical?

  2. I hope that Olga didn't take a leak on any of those graves - unless of course Margaret Thatcher's grave happens to be there. Quelle horreur!

  3. It looks like a nice time in beautiful weather...try French radio via internet...

  4. what a great old cemetery and I love the grave full of daffodils. my puny handful didn't perform very well this year. Maybe because I transplanted them.

  5. What a beautiful grave! If one must be buried in a cemetery, that is the way to go. Those modern ones which don't allow any sort of adornment on the graves make me sick. Like spending eternity in a gated community with a strict home-owner's policy.

  6. Looks like a great day for a walk. I love all the daffs.

  7. " ... thus maximizing my stress all around"

    Ah, yes, I do this too often :)

    But good for you for going!

  8. Just think of some of the kids and their mind set about coming to school. How many delay until the last minute?

  9. The person buried under those daffodils must have been dearly loved if someone goes to the trouble to keep something blooming above them.
