Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Making Plans

Olga just did not want to get out of bed this morning. And neither did I. We're still curled up in the blankets, though I did manage to rise long enough to get some coffee.

This is partly because Dave received a text at 3:45 a.m. which woke me up when his phone chimed (thanks, Adam!) and I didn't fall back to sleep for a while. But I do have work, so I suppose I have to get motivated, despite the whispering rain urging me not to go anywhere.

We've come up with a loose plan for our Spring Break, at the end of the month. I think we're going to take the dog to Oxford for a day or two, and I may make a quick trip to Liverpool to see some Beatles-related sights. (Dave isn't so into the Beatles, and Liverpool is a bit far for Olga, so they may sit that one out.)

Summer is another matter. We're still not sure what we're going to do then. I'm leaning toward Scandinavia, partly because it's not that far away. What is it about distance that suddenly seems so daunting? Whether we're in an airplane for two hours or 10 or 15 doesn't make a whole lot of difference, but somehow getting to a far-off place seems like a much more difficult proposition.

Oh, and we have friends coming to London this weekend who may or may not stay with us for a few nights -- the aforementioned Adam and his partner, Tim. We used to spend time with Adam when we lived in New Jersey, particularly on a few memorable Fourths of July, and he visited us here in London in 2012. Anyway, those plans are still being ironed out. Stay tuned!

(Photo: A maintenance building on Hampstead Heath Extension.)


  1. Tell Adam he can go take a flying **** for texting in the middle of the night! London has so many cheap hotels. Only £150-£200 a night is common. The trouble with Scandinavia is it's so bloody expensive.

  2. Busy lives and I love that you and Dave seize that day and go adventuring. Wherever you go, whatever you do, it will have been just the right thing.

  3. I was thinking about stopping over night in Oxford the next time I come over. I've never take a college tour and I think I might enjoy that.

  4. If you don't make plans, time goes by and you get nothing done.

  5. I have some major plans of my own in the works. and that place in the picture is strangely appealing to me.

  6. Some spring break plans cooking over here too...

  7. What a gorgeous shot at the top! I'm for Scandinavia -- it looks fantastic, and I imagine it's gorgeous in the summer!

  8. Olga will be so happy to be with you!

    It's been so long since we had a vacation I'm not sure I remember what we did or where we went. But we enjoy staying home, not being so rushed, and doing home stuff (woodworking related for my husband, craft related for me, reading for both of us.) But for those who love to travel, the itchy feet never really go away, do they? They just get worse the closer vacation gets!
