Sunday, April 10, 2016


The forsythia bush outside our bedroom window has come into bloom. This bush had been severely pruned when we first moved in here, two years ago, and it barely bloomed last year. But this year it's looking much better.

When I'm lying in bed in the afternoon, reading, as I was yesterday, this is the view I have out the window. A bright yellow reminder of spring!

(We don't normally store a measuring cup on the windowsill -- it was sitting there because we'd used it to fill the squirrel feeder.)

I didn't get nearly as much reading done yesterday as I'd hoped. I spent the morning editing and archiving photos, which took a couple of hours. And then I took Olga to the Heath, where she had a long romp.

Last night, Dave and I went to Pollen Street Social, a restaurant we've wanted to try for a while. We've seen the chef on Saturday Kitchen, a popular BBC cooking show, and the food was fantastic.  (Tiny little cucumber cupcakes, and langoustine with fresh peas, and fresh spring lamb, and a goat cheese sorbet that danced between savory and sweet.) We were not disappointed. But after eight courses with wine pairings, it was all we could do to roll ourselves toward an open taxi and, a short time later, fall into bed!


  1. You have your own little springtime view every morning!

  2. What a beautiful window to the world!

  3. a friend gave me a forsythia years ago and not having anyplace with enough sun I gave it to my sister. I didn't think it would ever bloom to tell you the truth as I thought they had to have a certain amount of chill hours. but bloom it did. she didn't dig it up when she sold her country house. in town here though there is a house with five shrubs in their front along the street that bloom every spring but for some reason this year, they heavily pruned them before they bloomed. forsythia blooms on last year's growth. and I love your display box. would love to see a picture of it with all it's little prizes.

  4. You and Dave must be fabulously rich to eat at such a restaurant! In sharp contrast, I have just eaten a cheese sandwich. Life can be so unfair.

  5. The forsythia certainly brightens things up. If you didn't ell me a bout the measuring cup I would have never seen it. I had to look to find it.

  6. I had forgotten about forsythia until last week when I was on the east coast, and it was blooming like crazy. So incredibly yellow and beautiful, particularly against gray skies. That photo is just gorgeous -- the little blue glass bottles and vases, the yellow spray behind the window. Thank you for sharing such a peaceful image!

  7. "squirrel feeder" ha ha!

    I love forsythia but the one time I tried to grow it, mine failed to thrive. It was so-so the first year, then died by the third year. Not sure what the problem was but we had no room anywhere else in the yard to move it. Now I admire other peoples' instead.

    You have made a lovely corner in your home.

  8. I just love that display box with all the bits and pieces. I'm sure it has a particular name.

    Ms A Soup

  9. Shadow box! I have a really cool one that someone in my home church made for me, but I hated dusting it & we've never put it up in this house. In fact, I wonder where the heck it is?
