Sunday, April 24, 2016

Resting at Home

Good news! Dave has come home. He basically talked the hospital staff into releasing him -- they were reluctant because that blood protein level still isn't as low as they want it to be, but given that all other signs of infection are better and he's only on oral medications they agreed.

He was so relieved to get out of there. Not that the care wasn't good, but you know how hospitals are. He was never able to sleep very well and he had no privacy. He was especially irked by the nurses' penchant for knocking around and banging metal instruments and pans, even at 3 a.m.! Apparently there was a closet or something outside his room, and every time someone opened and closed that door they slammed it. He finally got up in the middle of the night and told them to stop it. (Evidence that, in his increasingly cantankerous state, it was probably better for him to come home.)

I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought easily digestible things I thought would appeal to him -- soup, white bread, yogurt, stuff like that. Olga slept at his feet on the couch while we watched reruns of "The West Wing." Home sweet home!

He's scheduled for surgery in about a week, but at least in the meantime he can now rest and enjoy the garden -- the bluebells and daffodils and forget-me-nots, and the crabapples, which are about to bloom next door.

(Photo: Reflections in shop windows near Sloane Square, Chelsea.)


  1. Hospitals can be such noisy places and getting rest is often vital for patients - especially at night. I recall a spell that I spent in hospital - my sleep often disturbed by nurses and other hospital workers chattering and laughing at the nurses' desk. I just wanted shout "SHUT THE **** UP!" Good to hear that Dave will now be getting some precious peace at home.

  2. Oh my goodness, I've missed so much on your blog while I've been away.
    I'm so glad Dave is now home, and may I say "Hear, Hear!!" for his comment to the thoughtless night staff. He struck a blow for hospital patients everywhere with that one.

  3. Glad he's home. He'll heal up better there. My mom had something similar to what it sounds like he has. Very painful. But manageable with good care, and it sounds like he's getting that.

  4. There is not much "resting" at a hospital, that's for sure. Some hospital staff are just what we want when we're not well while others have a disturbing lack of empathy and common sense. Glad Dave is home.

  5. I don't mean to bash the hospital staff -- I think maybe they just weren't aware how loud they were being (or how loud they seemed to patients who were trying to sleep). I'm sure they were caught up in their work and trying to be quiet just wasn't their top priority.

  6. That is good news. I can relate to the noise at hospitals. It never seems to end. They claim to keep you there for rest but, rest never seems to come. It's so much easier to rest at home.

  7. It's good that your feisty partner is back home. I hope everything goes well. Yes hospitals don't stop because it's night.

  8. Quite honestly, I'm sure he'll heal better at home than in the hospital. Stress can absolutely delay healing and being in the hospital was obviously very stressful for him and I think it would be for anyone not in an actual coma. And he has you to take care of him! May all be well.

  9. wonderful news...yes there is no place like home. praying he will continue to heal and for his upcoming surgery.

  10. So glad David is home! Surgery? Did I miss something? Snuggling with Olga is a must for recovery!

  11. So glad Dave's home...Fingers and toes crossed for the upcoming surgery. Best to you both.

  12. I'm happy to hear Dave is at home! I hope he's feeling better very soon.
