Tuesday, May 17, 2016

First Rose

Our roses are awakening after their winter pruning and subsequent spring growth spurt. They have lots of greenery but until this week none of them had bloomed. Finally, one gave us some flowers, and there are buds on several more.

Our neighbors, meanwhile, have an extremely unusual azalea in their front garden.  Have you ever seen one this color? I'm not sure I have. It's really nice.

Hey -- I sold a picture! Someone contacted me via Flickr to buy this image for use in a real estate brochure. I negotiated with them but took it all with a grain of salt, until yesterday when they deposited £50 in our bank account. "Wow!" I thought. "This is real!"


  1. The azalea bush is lovely - so now you have another string to your working bow. Professional photographer.

    Ms Soup

  2. Great color on that last bush---of course it's real...

  3. Congratulations on selling that picture Steve. It's nice when stuff like that happens without even trying. Maybe you should use the money to by a meal out when Dave is feeling up to it.

  4. I've never seen an orange azalea except for the native ones. That's amazing!
    Hurray for the sale!

  5. Congratulations on the sale! That's awesome. And what a pretty azalea. I think I may have seen one like it in a gardening magazine before, but not in real life.

    YP's suggestion about taking Dave out is a good one!

  6. Congratulations on selling a photo! that will just give you more energy to produce more.

  7. well, congrats on the sale! and no I have never seen an azalea that color. very unusual.

  8. Congratulations on the sale of that photo! It's a great shot too! I love the rose and it looks like more to come.

  9. Gorgeous azalea! I wonder if it was created by a Tennessee fan :) And way to go on the picture!

  10. Selling a photo with hardly any effort after the actual shot - wonderful! Hope there are more to come. Love the garden pictures. My interest in all growing things has had a chance to come to the forefront now that I have more time to look and enjoy them.
