Monday, July 18, 2016

Garden Progress Report

A lot has happened in the garden during the two weeks I was in Florida. For one thing, the hydrangeas have exploded!

The ragwort, that mystery plant that appeared this spring in the middle of our roses, is also blooming. I saw quite a bit of it along the train tracks when I was coming back into town from Gatwick Airport yesterday morning. Still no sign of any cinnabar moths, though.

The thistle that I moved from the front of the house is blooming, too.

And our speedwell, which we planted a couple of years ago, came up from the roots and is now flowering.

We've also got flower spikes on our red-hot pokers (including one that a snail gnawed through -- argh!) and the butterfly bushes (buddleia) are all in bloom. Dave has planted some marigolds and the cosmos that I saved is doing well, too.

All is right with the world, at least in Olga's mind.


  1. Gorgeous, all that riotous color and a happy dog? Perfection.

  2. What is it about English gardens? Stunning. The climate must be particularly conducive to growing.

  3. You know how happy all of this makes me. Nothing finer in the world than nurturing a garden and seeing the results.

  4. Dave's and your efforts are finally paying off. beautiful blooms. I'll have to see if speedwell will grow here.

  5. What a fantastic array of floral photos today! You two certainly have a matched set of green thumbs! I love the hydrangeas and speedwell is gorgeous. I had never heard of that one before. And, of course, the photo of Olga made me smile!

  6. Oh, Olga, you make my day better! (Thanks, Steve, for including her so much.)

    Beautiful photos, such colour. Our butterfly bush is in bud; I can't wait for it to bloom (first year).

  7. Beautiful! Don't you wonder what you did before you had a garden? What a wonderful place you have there! The speedwell is my favorite, just gorgeous!

  8. The hydrangers are late here and im worried.. We usually have 25 single blooms entered in theflower show

  9. Great gardening stuff! My area in gardening is the vegetable patch.

  10. it's beautiful garden. Lot's of colorful flowers :D

  11. Olga is soooo cute.
    And you have "green fingers" as we say here in Norway.
