Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Mermaids and Manatees

My brother and I spent yesterday afternoon in the car. He took the afternoon off to have lunch with me and show me the sights, but it's about 98ยบ F outside and entirely too hot to walk anywhere. (Especially in the sun.) So the solution was an air conditioned auto tour. Pleasant, if not eco-friendly.

We drove around North Jacksonville, where it was interesting to check out little neighborhoods like Panama Park and to see Cleo's, home of "the best taco salad in town" -- my brother described it, and it sounds to me just like any other taco salad, so I'm skeptical. But then, I didn't eat one. Cleo's was closed by the time we got there.

From Ortega, on the south side, we got a good view of downtown across the huge St. John's River.

You may remember that my mom now lives in a retirement center on a tributary of the river. We went out on the dock to watch the sunset two nights ago and a manatee swam past. All we could see was his nose, but he left a telltale v-shaped ripple on the water's surface so we could watch his progress through the water. It still amazes me that such exotic, prehistoric-looking animals are just out there, living their lives in my mom's back yard.

Speaking of Mom, today is her birthday -- she's 79. So we're planning a little dinner out tonight.

(Top photo: A mermaid on Hecksher Drive, North Jacksonville.)


  1. Wow! A real live manatee. That's a special moment. Happy Birthday to The Mum of Steve. Take a deep breath ma'am - you have a hell of a lot of candles to blow out!

  2. Happy Birthday, Mrs. Reed! I hope you all enjoy this evening.

  3. If I ever go into a retirement place, I would want a dock with manatees!
    May her birthday be a good one. I know she's so glad to have you there!
    Love the mermaid shot. Nice use of palms by that homeowner! He's captured Florida in a way.

  4. Tell you mother Happy Birthday from me! 98 degrees with humidity sounds almost worse than the 110 dry degrees here. Regardless, being in the sun is out of the question.

  5. Aw, Happy Birthday to your mom ... I hope all of you have an enjoyable supper. As a mom myself I know how much it means to have my kids visit on my birthday. Or any time, for that matter :)

  6. Happy Birthday to your mom from "just up the road a piece" (South Carolina) where the heat is just as awful as it is in Florida. London must seem like a cool oasis this time of year!

  7. 98 F is too much for me. 68 F maybe but better 68. You are having a good visit.

  8. Ive never seen a trailer trash mermaid before

  9. Happy birthday, Mom.
    Yes, you're now in air-conditioning land. Only mad dogs and Englishmen, etc. etc.

  10. I once spent two months in Jacksonville covering a trial presided over on the prosecution side by the late Ed Austin. That view of the river brought it all back. Sometimes it seems I have lived so many different lives.
