Sunday, July 3, 2016

Small World

Yesterday was, for the most part, beautiful and sunny -- so Olga and I went to the Heath. We found a fallen leaf with pond-ripple patterns...

...and some clumps of heather.

We also found lots of insects, including a ladybug on a thistle...

...and a stink bug on some dock, which is about the hardest weed to pull I've ever found...

...and a green, shiny, David Bowie-looking bug on another thistle.

On the way home, I saw a piece of glass buried in the mud of the path with the letters "TRACT" on the side. I dug it out, thinking it might be part of an old bottle of "extract," or a pharmaceutical of some kind -- and indeed, the bottom is dated 1846! You know how I often find bits of old broken china on Hampstead Heath. I think parts of it must have been a dumping ground long ago, or perhaps debris was used to pave the Heath's walking paths.

I had my final French class of the term yesterday. (There's one more next weekend, but since I'll be in Florida, I'm going to miss it.) No more français until the fall!


  1. I think perhaps archeology is your road not traveled. You have a natural instinct for it. Even some your photography could be seen as a kind of cultural excavation and preservation of a place and time. Fascinating the things you find. 1846! Wow.

  2. Did you breathe a sigh of relief when you left your French class?
    I love that lady bug.

  3. You found lots of color in a small world.

  4. You have an eye for the smallest or most unusual details. Paddington may just be right about your instinct for archeology.

  5. Love the close-ups - you've caught some excellent miniature things! The leaf was my favourite. And the old glass was a neat find. Were you the kind of kid who always spotted lost coins at the store or on the ground? (our son was) :)

  6. I love all these macro photos today!
