Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Patchwork Bush

Olga and I walked back to the cemetery yesterday morning so I could photograph this crazy bush that I saw the day before. Doesn't it look like a patchwork quilt?

The extra outing meant that Olga got three walks yesterday, which left her...


Dave and I, meanwhile, went to get celebratory end-of-summer massages. Woo hoo! My massage wasn't entirely pleasant -- the therapist was very firm, and it got a bit painful -- but I felt much better afterwards and I don't have residual soreness today.

In the afternoon I continued reading "The Art of Being Normal," a book that was selected at school as one of our faculty-staff summer reads. It's a novel about transgender teenagers, and it's pretty compelling.

Finally, last night, Dave and I finished off some documentaries that have been stacking up on our TV recorder -- one about grizzly bear attacks in Glacier National Park in 1967, one about the growth of Christianity under Roman emperor Constantine, and one about the death of King Tut. Which immediately sent me to YouTube to find this video. Whenever I think of King Tut, that's what comes to mind!


  1. That IS the strangest bush! What is going on with it?

    And yes to King Tut!

  2. Olga still looks happy even though she's tired...Lucky dog!

  3. Yeah- what IS going on with that bush? It looks like a cedar but...

  4. What a cool-looking bush! Looks like a couple of things growing intertwined to make that lovely patchwork effect.

    It's good to have a worn-out pup when you want to catch up on TV :)

  5. That bush is pretty amazing. It almost looks like several plants all hugging each other.

  6. and so you didn't try to decipher how many different bushes it was?

  7. Sure looks like your bush has some spider mites (the reddish brown portion). It's still a neat effect -- insects and all!

  8. I didn't do a detailed examination of the bush, but yes, it's definitely a couple of plants co-mingled. I'd say two junipers and some ivy, but maybe even more than that! It's interesting how the dead sections are three different shades of brown -- maybe, as Shoreacres said, because of pests?
