Monday, August 29, 2016

Lara, with Balloons

My finger injury seems to be healing well. I haven't come down with gangrene. The possibility of tetanus crossed my mind, but then I went digging around in my medical records and found that I was diligent enough to note on my Peace Corps-issued World Health Organization vaccination card that I got a tetanus shot in November 2008. So it ought to still be effective. I hope.

I took Olga to Hampstead Heath yesterday, despite a forecast that called for rain. It seemed pretty sunny, so we set out. But then, of course, it rained intermittently all through our walk. The normally fussy Olga didn't seem to mind -- once she was damp she just rolled with it.

We found these balloons along the way, but I didn't take one. I'm sure I'm not the target demographic for whoever was giving them out!

I've just started a book called "Symphony for the City of the Dead: Dmitri Shostakovich and the Siege of Leningrad." It's an acclaimed book for young adults, and I like it so far. Reading about the Russian Revolution put me in the mood to watch "Doctor Zhivago," which despite being a sprawling and somewhat stuffy epic remains one of my favorite movies, so Dave and I did that yesterday afternoon. (Dave, as I was inserting the DVD: "Isn't this movie like four hours long?" Me: "Yes." I was just being difficult -- it's really three hours and 20 minutes long.)

Now I'm going to be walking around humming "Lara's Theme" all day, and remembering my old music box.


  1. You guys know how to live it up on a Sunday afternoon! Did you have hot drinks too or a few more pints of "Very Modestly"?

  2. Two words: Omar Sharif.
    That is all.

  3. I read about 20 young fiction books a year as part of a group selecting suitable books for school reading. As for Dr. Zhavago, it as one of my favorite movies.

  4. I like the way they anchored the balloons on the fence.

  5. I haven't seen Doctor Zhivago in many, many years. I do love Ms. Moon's comment above. She is right, Omar Sharif was one dreamy man. I do remember that the movie is visually stunning with some pretty spectacular scenery.

  6. I had (still have) one of those lucite music boxes except it was in the shape of a piano. Now I can't remember what tune it plays. Somewhere My Love was one of the few "modern" tunes I learned on the piano on my own. I never saw the movie though ... and three hours and twenty minutes might as well be four hours by the time you factor in a meal and a bathroom break!

  7. My cousin Paul, who has a divine singing voice, sang Speak Softly Love at our wedding. Our guests were transported. I've always loved Dr. Zhivago although the last time I watched it it left me feeling a little melancholy. But it's a great movie in my book.

  8. Hah Ms Moon. He was pretty dreamy in that movie. And Steve, thanks for the "ear worm". I love that movie.
