Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Twilight, and Another Kapok Glass

That's our back garden at twilight. I sat out there a few nights ago after dinner with the remains of my glass of wine -- I'm trying to enjoy the garden as much as possible in these waning warm evenings -- and took photos toward the house because the light was so nice. I'm sure the neighbors wondered what the heck I was doing.

As you can (dimly) see, we still have a lot of green in the garden. We may be moving toward fall, but we're not there yet!

Yesterday's big news -- my long-awaited package from Canada finally came.

Can you stand hearing more about glasses from the Kapok Tree Inn? (If not, sorry in advance.) The one I ordered via eBay is on the left. The other two came from that thrift shop in Anna Maria Island. The guy who sold me that left-hand glass mailed it on August 9, and it just got here yesterday. Almost six weeks! But he sent it surface mail, so there you go. It's been on a boat all this time.

That newest glass is just like the one I got when I visited the Kapok Tree in the '80s. Afterwards, when I lived in the dorms at USF, I used to take it to my morning English class filled to the brim with orange juice. I remember one of my fellow students joking about my "morning screwdriver," but I swear, it really was just orange juice. The ice cubes used to clank around a lot. I bet the instructor was annoyed.

Anyway, aside from the arrival of that package -- and some dog-walking shoes I ordered that seem awfully tight and will hopefully stretch out -- nothing interesting happened yesterday.

I sometimes worry when I come home and Dave asks, "How was your day?" and I can't think of anything to say. Do I need a more challenging job? I think about all the work I used to do when I lived in New York -- serving on my co-op board and as an officer of a professional organization, as well as working at the Times and going to the Zendo. Is it bad that things are more mellow now?

Then, again, some days are like that, aren't they? Just routine. And I did practice my French, so there's that!


  1. It is bad only if it feels that way to you and I don't get that from you. You have more time to stay in the moment and enjoy your life. I don't think Dave loves you because you can run around and make yourself crazy busy...How was your day can also be about emotions or ideas, not just doing. End of rant. Have a good one!

  2. It may be out of a routine why you can't tell anything but nevertheless there are plenty of interesting details in you day! But talking of my daughter I know on a question like this would be her empty answer: "Oh, well!". So I now use questions like "What was good" or "What made you angry" or "What have you done during school break". And this works, because now she talks about funny or annoying things and lots of details come to light. Enjoy your days!

  3. What the hell are "dog walking shoes"? Surely Olga is okay with just her paws. After all, most dogs go barefoot. Next you'll be getting her a doggy raincoat and hat.

    Loved your garden picture. I shudder to imagine what the rent is on your place.

  4. What a lovely garden - I wondered at first what posh home you might have been visiting. And routine isn't such a bad thing - remember the curse of "living in exciting times."

  5. if you are enjoying your life then I wouldn't worry about the things you aren't doing.

  6. Are you kidding? Your life is packed with interesting activity. At least that's how it looks from here.
    Beautiful picture.

  7. You have a beautiful garden so it's good to enjoy it as much as you can. I love that light at the end of the day.
    Some days are just quieter than others. They help to balance out the chaotic ones.
    Glad your glasses finally arrived.

  8. I love that photo from you back garden. It has such a warming glow to it and looks so hospitable. I also like those glasses. I think they are fun!

  9. Back yard,isn't it!!!! Anyway sometimes I look back at a day and say ,"What the hell did I do today?"

  10. i think your life now sounds charmed, and charming, and that photo of the house at twilight only strengthens that impression. If you're not bored, then you're busy enough. I'm sure Dave doesn't mind your sense of peace.

  11. It's been my experience that busy times are often caused by nerve-wracking, sad, bad, or generally stressful events! Therefore, I cherish my "boring" days. No news is good news. Now, that is just me. Everyone has a different idea of what is good, and what's good for you is what you should be doing.

    Your garden looks lush and green and restorative. No wonder the fox likes it!

  12. That's a great view of your home, it looks quite palatial in the evening light.


  13. E: Yeah, I think you're right. It's not as if I'm dissatisfied and I like having time for myself at this point in life!

    Kaki: That's true -- sometimes asking about specifics helps pinpoint more detail. I should remember this from my years as a reporter and interviewer. :)

    YP: She prefers high heels, actually.

    Marty: I had plenty of exciting times over the spring and summer. I'm all for the return to routine, believe me!

    Ellen: I agree.

    Ms Moon: Well, I'm glad. Sometimes I think people must be reading my blog posts and thinking, "Good Lord, this guy needs a life."

    Cheryl: Thanks! We love the garden. It definitely MAKES this property.

    Utah: You think? I'm not so sure. I have plenty to do in my day-to-day life. It's just work that's sometimes a slump, and that's a slump for everybody, isn't it?! That's why it's work!

    Sharon: Thanks! That's why I liked it, too -- the warm light from the windows.

    Red: It's unavoidable. Our brains aren't really wired to remember every detail of every day.

    37P: I'm definitely not bored. I've never really understood being bored, honestly. I can keep myself occupied pretty much anywhere.

    Jenny-O: "No news is good news" is pretty much my operating philosophy, though it can make blogging a challenge. :)

    Alphie: It's really NOT palatial. We only have the bottom floor. Another family lives on the two upper floors. We do have exclusive garden access, though!
