Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Bern

I found this tree on Hampstead Heath on Sunday. I can't believe the tentacles of the American presidential election have reached into my forest sanctuary, but here's the evidence. I'm not sure whether it was painted when Bernie was still a viable candidate, or more recently as a protest against Hillary.

In any case, it's probably not the best use of a tree. Even Bernie would agree to that, I feel certain.

And meanwhile, the blue in the bar graph on the home page of The New York Times just keeps going higher and higher:

A thing of beauty, isn't it? You can click here to see some of the calculations that go into that prediction.

Other than that, I don't have much for you today. Yesterday was busy, and I got out of the office briefly when I went to the bank for change and dropped off a local library book that got put in our returns box by mistake. I also walked to work listening to the ninth episode of the first season of the "Serial" podcast. I'm hooked!


  1. So... you are one of these fellows who walks about with earphones in - oblivious to what's around you - footsteps from behind, low-flying pigeons, pavement cyclists etcetera? Believe me - you'll be sorry one day, then "Serial" won't seem so good after all. You need to be alert at all times on the mean streets of west London.

  2. I woke up to a doctor's office calling and then opened the paper to find the report of a Trump rally a few counties over and at this point in my day, having been awake for all of forty-three minutes, I want to slap someone.
    Mostly the woman who called me and Donald Trump. And all of his deplorables.
    A quote from a supporter, "Well, he's probably a new Christian. We all make mistakes."

  3. I saw one prediction map that colored Texas blue! I don't expect it for a minute but sure was nice to see.

  4. That blue bar did lift my spirits for a bit. Thanks for that. Last night I had to turn the news off because I just couldn't stand to listen to anymore about this election. I've come to the conclusion that Trump supporters are living in some sort of alternate reality. One that I can't wrap my brain around. I have not heard one articulate or logical explanation as to why they support him. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. I love this quote by a Florida GOP lobbyist, "Trump supporters have lost all touch with reality, they are face down in the Kool-Aid".

  5. Maybe it's just that I've been seeing Hallowe'en decorations everywhere I go, but at first I thought someone had painted "blood" coming from that poor tree to try to draw attention to environmental issues or something :) Feel the Bern is a very different kettle of fish!

  6. I woke up this morning with a distinct feeling of relief that I don't have to go back to the hospital, so I'm feeling mighty grateful today. It only gets better to see that blue graph!

  7. Regardless of politics, that's a terrible thing to do to a tree. And I enjoy Hillary's steadily soaring poll numbers, too.

  8. Thank you for that lovely blue graph! It gives me hope.
